
4XPrimeTrade Review: Dilly Forex Scam

4XPrimeTrade Review: Dilly Forex Scam

4XPrimeTrade ( is another overrated Crypto Currency investment platform scamming from anyone who signs up and deposits. 4X Prime Trade is claiming to be a firm Crypto Currency investment solution. With claims of having over 17,000 investors, 4XPrime Trade is trapping unsuspecting investors. Members who already signed up are coming out and showing their disgust with this platform. Want to know more? Read this detailed 4XPRIMETRADE Review for more information.

4XPrimeTrade Review

Autopilot trading tools Advantages

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Other trading robots may become unstable if they engage for long, not robots on our expert-recommended list.

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You get the best trading tools that hit a consistent profit margin of 85 percent on a yearly basis. It makes them the best forex trading robots to get.

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You get robots that work consistently to furnish traders with the best possible outcome. And that’s why you get the best out of them.

  • Support

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You get 24/7 support which gives traders the chance to perform and get help when needed by the click of a button.

4XPrimeTrade Review

With a number of complaints sent our way, we decided to investigate this platform. What seems to be a promising platform is becoming another online scam. Without verifying the authenticity of this platform, investors are signing up without a second thought. It is our duty to defend the good Forex trading name and this is achieved by exposing these scams. 4XPrimeTrade is another rotten Crypto Currency trading platforms stealing from anyone who signs up. You should keep reading this honest review and find out the tricks used.

Professionals scam artists are known to clone websites and fool unsuspecting investors. What you need to start making money is above board and authentic Crypto Currency tools. 4X Prime Trade is already proving to be a nuisance in the Crypto world. With claims of refusing members to make withdrawals, it is time to expose their website. Thanks to our years of trading experience, we know how to spot tricks used by scammers. Make sure to stay away from any platform which shares similar characteristics.

About 4XPrimeTrade

According to the disclaimer at the footer of the homepage, they claim to be located in the UK. What we noticed is they have refused to reveal any contact details apart from an email address. When you check at the disclaimer, they claim telephone numbers are available for VIP Members only. It is weird to think a platform fails to give their contact details to any member. 4XPrimeTrade is a classic example of a scam artist who wants to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.

4XPrime Trade has also put up a Google Map at the footer of their homepage. Is this supposed to show their actual location? Scam artists will do or say anything to make sure you sign up with them. Most scammers will post fake location details just to attract investors in the European hemisphere. Anonymity is a huge problem with this platform as no one knows the founding members. Names of people running this platform still remains a mystery which makes it impossible to track the owners.

Is 4XPrimeTrade licensed or registered?

After checking with a few regulatory bodies, we are sure 4XPrimeTrade is not licensed. If they are actually based in the UK, you would expect them to be regulated by the FCA. Sadly, the FCA has no Crypto investment company registered with such a name. It is proof we are dealing with an unlicensed and unregistered platform. Investors who sign up should know funds are never safe with unregulated entities. Funds are easily lost in the hands of illicit online scam platforms.

Why has this platform failed to give users any information regarding their licensing status? An honest broker will post copies of their license certificates for all to see. Others post their license number at the bottom of their homepage for users to verify. It seems 4X Prime Trade is never going to disclose their regulation status. We now have proof 4XPrimeTrade is operating under false pretense. Security of funds is not a priority to them as they just want investors to deposit funds with them.

Advantages of 4XPrimeTrade

After carefully going through their website, we could not come up with any advantage. Without a valid trading license, it means the owners don’t follow strict industry guidelines. We also suspect these scam artists are only out to steal funds from anyone who signs up. With withdrawal complaints coming from all parts of the world, there is foul play. Resist any attempts to sign up with this platform or else become their next victim. Ensure you block any calls you receive from their call agents.

Disadvantages of 4XPrimeTrade

Accounts offered

4XPrimeTrade Account Types

4XPrimeTrade is furnishing users with four different account plans. The four plans include Starter, Premium, Deluxe, and Exclusive. Even with their most basic account, minimum trading requirement is still high. The platform is charging $300 to $1,000 for the Starter account plan. It should be noted the acceptable and set minimum trading requirement is set at $250. Another problem with these plans is a guaranteed ROI which is impossible in the real trading world.

Deposit and Withdrawal

Depositing funds with this platform has been made easy and fast. Depository channels include American Express, Bitcoin Cash, MasterCard, Payeer, Visa, among others. It is easy for anyone to deposit funds since channels are available globally. What still remains to be a huge problem with this platform is withdrawal of funds. How can users be blocked from accessing their funds?

Fake claims

If this broker had the number of investors mentioned, we could have heard it on social media platforms. Even the most experienced traders in the UK have never heard of this platform. It is clear we are dealing with a scam artists who will post fake claims just to lure investors.

Unknown platform

Another problem we noticed with this platform is lack of any information regarding their trading platform. It is scaring to know users are signing up to trade with an unproven platform. The scam artists also fail to give users a demo account which means they are up to no good. Without a proven trading platform, industrial egg peeling machine it is difficult to know the effectiveness of the platform. In terms of execution, how fast is their platform? Is their platform stable enough? Does their platform have necessary security features?

Are funds safe with 4XPrimeTrade?

It is clear to see funds are not safe with this platform as no member has made any withdrawals. Segregation of accounts is also another problem as 4XPrimeTrade is pooling funds in one account. It is also possible users are depositing funds straight to an unknown third party account. Is it the reason why they fail to disclose information regarding who handles funds?

Is 4XPrimeTrade a scam?

4XPrimeTrade Trading Platform

Without a shadow of doubt, we are dealing with a broker with a wanting reputation. 4XPrimeTrade is a scam which is about to steal from any investor who deposited funds with them. It is sad that such scam artists operate in the lucrative Forex market. All authorities should come together and shut down this platform. What seems to be a lucrative platform is turning out to be a total scam. Stay away from 4x Prime Trade or become their next scammed member.

Bottom line

With all facts revealed, we have no other option but to add this platform to our scam blacklist. Ensure you warn your friends from signing up with this platform.

Wishing all investors a happy and prosperous trading experience.

7 Replies to “4XPrimeTrade Review: Dilly Forex Scam”

  1. I think you will find Gary Strong aka Antonio Diego is behind this scam. He has a shocking record of investment/romance scamming, and the I.P. address is identical to 10xpartners club- another of Gary Strongs scam websites. The guy should be in prison for the terrible things he has done,and continues to do.

  2. Just out of interest Gary, why would you be watching this page if it had absolutely nothing to do with you? What are the chances of you stumbling across it if you have nothing to do with 4xprimetrade? and why would Greg ( whoever he is) write that review in his own name? I see he hasn’t defended himself which would suggest that you picked him out to cover up your involvement. Tonnes of bad reviews about you online but zero reviews about Greg ( hmmmm).

  3. This company is listed under Elizabeth B. Kramer on Facebook . She has great reviews from quite a lot of investors .Looks very legit. I contacted her investors and they were unable to provide screenshots of withdrawal.
    Pure SCAM. Told me to buy ITunes Cards , so she can help me invest.

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