
Bitcoin Citadel Investment Review -A Phony Scam!

Bitcoin Citadel Investment Review -A Phony Scam!

Instead of sugar-coating this review, we will just state it in the open that Bitcoin Citadel Investment is a 100% investment scam. We've studied the site carefully and noticed that everything is fabricated, right from the alleged owners of the Bitcoin Citadel Investment, to those who are praising it in the testimonials section.

They've got a couple of investment plans which are highly suspicious due to the ridiculous return on investment promises which no sane investor can believe.

When you look at the list found at the bottom of the scum bucket, you will most likely find Bitcoin Citadel Investment at the top because it's quite obvious that these guys are here to swindle and disappear with your money.

You need to be very cautious when dealing with ponzi schemes. They all implement the same method of operation. The ultimate goal is to always make the owner rich at the expense of depositors who lose money.

Let's go straight into details.

Bitcoin Citadel Investment Review

The domain of this site is The site is geared towards those who want to invest in Cryptocurrencies online.

If you've been looking to invest in Cryptos on the internet, this site needs you as soon as possible. They are looking for people who want to benefit from the skyrocketing prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum. If you invest today through, the site claims that you'll make between 170% and 200% in the next 24 hours.

The site now claims that they have some 2 million users across 120 countries. These people are supposedly using this platform to make money. Is this statement true or just a claim that cannot be verified?

To answer that question, we'll need to look at the owner of the site and also consider whether or not they have customer feedback out there.

Who owns Bitcoin Citadel Investment?

Bitcoin Citadel Investment is allegedly owned by a company called Bitcoin Citadel Investment LLC. It only makes sense to research on this company and see whether it exists or not.

A quick Google search was able to do the job perfectly well. Unfortunately, this search failed to return credible results concerning this company. This led us to believe that Bitcoin Citadel Investment LLC was an imaginary corporate entity as it does not exist anywhere.

But that is not the worst thing that can invoke your suspicion. According to the site, they've existed for 25 years running this business. However, we all know that the world was introduced to Cryptocurrencies in 2009. What was this site doing before this time? One wonders.

Secondly, a simple search reveals that the site was registered in June 2017 as opposed to 25 years ago. So it is only true that the owner of this site is lying about their experience. They clearly want folks out there to think that they are truly professionals in the Bitcoin investment field when the truth is that this website is operating a ponzi scheme.

Also, the domain of Bitcoin Citadel Investment site is privately registered on, and that means we can't see the details of the person who registered this site.

If we scroll a little bit on the website, we are introduced to some people who claim to work for this company under various titles. They are called ”The Citadels”. We've got someone called Edwin Griffin who is alleged to be the Head of Global Fixed Income, Timothy Neiffer – Head of Global Quantitative Investments, Gerald W Searle – Interim Head of Commodities, Founder & CEO and Steiner Farrell — Head of Global Credit.

bitcoin citadel investment founders

Unfortunately, these people are not real. Bitcoin Citadel Investment failed to do a good Photoshop job. Therefore, we were able to find out that the so-called Citadels were nothing more than images gathered from stock photo websites.

That means this website isn't run by serious individuals who have your best interest at heart. Instead, it's run by scammers who are hungry for your dollar. You will lose more money here.

What exactly does this scam claim to offer?

Bitcoin Citadel Investment claims that when you deposit some money into their investment platform, you will get a return at the end of the day. As it currently is, this project is inviting members of the public to get started with 3 plans. These include Personal Investment, Venture Capitalist Investment and Ethereum Investment.

The first plan is promising an interest of 100% in just 7 hours. The minimum deposit which the scam is asking for is between 0.0056 BTC – 1.99 BTC.

The second plan is supposed to make you 200% return on investment in 5 days. The required investment is 2.0 BTC – Unlimited BTC.

The third plan offers a return on investment of 170%. The required amount of investment is 0.339 ETH – Unlimited ETH. This profit will be paid out in the next 24 hours.

Obviously when you look at these plans, you smell a rat. The interest rates, plus the length of time that those profits takes to mature is just suspicious.

Here are more red flags

Bitcoin Citadel Investment is a relatively new scam, and that means many people haven't fallen victims yet. But on the other hand, the scam markings are all over. They are difficult to ignore even if you wanted to.

bitcoincitadelinvestment testimonials

They are deceptively crafted in a way that would convince if you were not careful enough.

It is easy to see why Bitcoin Citadel Investment is an illegitimate service. Even when you consider the stock photos, it shows you that this service can't be trusted because they are lying and misleading potential investors into believing that they are genuine when they are not.

The lies are even more apparent when you consider the fact that the corporation behind it is non-existent. That is quite disturbing. Another fact is that this site lies that they've been around for 25 years when the truth is that they've been around for only a couple of months.

Another suspicious thing that we've discovered is their physical address. When we researched the address 73 Murpy Street, Trigwell, Western Australia, we discovered that it was not existing anywhere. It is just a false address.

Can you still trust this website?

Bitcoin Citadel Investment is a fraud. The owners are fake. Their originals are equally fake. The testimonials are not from real people. The assertion of ”current payments” on their site is equally phony. This site cannot pay you anything. It doesn't matter what they tell you because the bottom line is that they can't be trusted.

Points to take

We've said a lot about this scam. Your job is to take us seriously because the red flags are all over the site. You can't miss them no matter what.

The anonymous nature of this website should raise some questions. There are no facts in whatever statements they say. It look and smell phony.

Our best advice for you

Because these guys want your Bitcoin, and they want it so badly, run! Don't fall for this cheap gimmick because it was designed to help you donate your investments to scammers instead of making profits from it.

The best thing to do now is to avoid such programs. If you want to invest in Bitcoin, consider cloud mining it instead. At least this is one of the most realistic hands-off approach of trading Bitcoin and Ethereum.

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