BTC Boom is a self proclaimed trusted investment company with Escrow. However, their name suggests that we might lose our coins in an instant, boom! We don't know about you but these opportunities keep showing up on the internet and they are suspicious since they are full of red flags left right and center. In the case of BTC Boom, we have already identified a number of things that are raising concerns. The exaggerated returns and the faceless operation where not a single person in charge of this operation was introduced.
The minimum amount of Bitcoin that can be ”invested” into BTC Boom is 0.05 BTC and the maximum is 10 BTC. Don't worry, these scammers will be glad even if you sent a little over 10 BTC. They are suspicious enough to cast a shadow of doubt on their service.
In fact, we have already made conclusions here because the site does not provide us with any credible information and evidence that they are actually doubling Bitcoins. The claim that they will return 500% in 10 minutes is something that cannot be confirmed. The site in question is really really suspicious. If you want to invest in Bitcoin and other Crypto currencies, we recommend trading them with automated bots. If you're wondering where to get these tools, click here and sign up.
The homepage introduces us to 3 people who claim to be the team behind the operation of BTC Boom. These people claim to have put in a lot of effort and worked hard to make BTC Boom a recognized company in the world. They also claim to be the best team in the world. They won't disappoint us.
The question is why is there no endorsement on BTC Boom? If they claim that this is a recognized company, there should be a form of endorsement from the media. They should be very popular by now. But this is not the case, and we are wondering why. It clearly means that the team behind it is lying about the popularity of this site.
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On top of that, the people they are showing us in the pictures have nothing to do with BTC Boom because we discovered those people were stock photos. This clearly means that the true site owner is not willing to disclose any identifying information about them. The reason is quite obvious. This is a scam, and they can only use stock photos to fool the public. Meanwhile, the owner will ensure that they can do whatever it takes to remain anonymous as seen in the privately registered domain which obviously masks details of the owner.
We are not sure how this works. All we know is that Escrow holds funds until the intended purpose of those funds have been achieved. In this case, you are sending money to BTC Boom for investment purpose. The likelihood of BTC Boom giving you returns in advance so you can release funds to them is nil. What they are going to show you is virtual money but if you attempt withdrawing it, that request won't be honored. They want you to send them funds on the promise that they will let you withdraw the fake returns in which case it beats the purpose of an Escrow feature being put in place.
Under the investment plans tab on the navigation menu, there is only one investment plan which requires users to fund their accounts with anywhere between 0.05 BTC and 500 BTC. We are not told how the funds are going to be invested but we are told that the site is going to give 500% returns at the end of the day.
This sounds like what a ponzi scheme would do. Ponzi schemes don't tell you how they are going to use your money. But they will let you know the kind of returns to expect from their business operation, which is false most of the time.
This site is suspicious because 500% returns in a short time is not possible to earn. Even the best hedge funds in the world don't come anywhere close to these returns. So we can be assured of the fact that BTC Boom is taking us for a ride with this one. The reality is that we can never achieve such returns anywhere in the world and with any investment.
This further confirms that BTC Boom is up to no good. It is the kind of returns you will find in Crypto currency scams which seek to lure unsuspecting victims into their trap with the intention of reaping them off.
The site has a link that is supposed to lead to their latest payouts page. But this page is blank, meaning that the anonymous admin has not bothered to upload fake payouts records as we had anticipated. We are hoping that it is just a matter of time before this page gets ”fixed” with some fabricated numbers and dates. It is clear that BTC Boom cannot pay and will not pay anyone any returns because they are not engaging in any income generating opportunity.
The site is even using fake testimonials to try persuading naive investors into sending money to them. There is the claim of an Escrow feature in place, which we have already discredited because this feature does not work the way BTC Boom wants you to believe. There is also the fake testimonials which are a mere fabrication of the type of service offered by BTC Boom.
Stock photos have been used, and the same case applies to the fabricated testimonials which were probably edited by the admin of the site and not happy users as purported.
Our review is extremely negative about this type of investment operation. It cannot be trusted for the simple reason that there are too many red flags. We recommend investing with these Crypto currency trading bots instead.
Esse pessoal da BTC boom não me dá sossego no Instagram tudo golpista safado!!
I was taken for a f**l with this scam, make payments and as it reach the time for you to get your promised “payout” there comes a error either it’s a virus corrupting your mining rig, or its some kind of fee you need to pay in order a recieve your “payout” the last straw was when the said my investment is lost on the blockchain network and advice to make a repayment to get my payout smh
But the company pay me a payout and successful now am happy with it i don’t know why is not working for you guys