
Elevate Trader Review: Scam or Worth The Price?

Elevate Trader Review: Scam or Worth The Price?

After going through a number of Elevate Trader customer feedback, we have decided to write a review about it. There are lots of complaints and concerns surrounding this ”trading school”. We'd like to highlight these issues and let you know whether or not Elevate Trader services are worth paying for.

Elevate Trader Review

The company in question is operated by someone called Mr. Sultan. It is not clear whether this name represents his real identity. For that reason, we will refer to him using this name for convenience.

The site offers a live chat room from where ”Mr Sultan” usually calls live trades so that members can jump into the market using his recommended signals. This service costs $75.

Of course every other trading school on the internet must have personal mentoring services. Mr. Sultan's personal mentoring is allegedly negotiable such that you can pay any cost to have him mentor you.

elevate trader review

This guy claims to earn 1k a day yet there is not a single record anywhere which purports that he trades for a living. There is no evidence that he even owns a trading account for that matter.

The website first appeared on the internet in 2017. But there are already several complaints and mixed opinions regarding the trading service.

But first, let's see whether Elevate Trader has any customers.

According to our marketing analysis tools, this website generates leads through StockTwits and nowhere else. It looks like the owner of Elevate Trader is focusing on getting his customers through Stock Twist. He does it by commenting on popular threads of various stocks.

But Stock Twits has a weird reputation of hosting shady characters. Here, there are all kinds of investment hustlers who will market their services to average investors looking to make money trading Stocks in general.

And when we say stocks, we mean any investment asset that people can buy and hold like Bitcoin and so on.

What exactly does a typical fraud on this platform look like?

Easy, one needs to create a website which they will use to sell their magical trading products and services. Once that is done, they can create an account at Stock Twits from which they will use it to advertise their trading products/service. This often involves supposed trading mentors participating in threads of major stocks.

But to convince investors on the platform, one needs to post screenshots of amazing trading abilities. You need to show traders and average investors that you can make 1k or more a day without struggling, thanks to your magical trading formula which can never disappoint anyone who purchases it.

And of course you also need to create social proof by first having multiple fake Stock Twits user accounts from which you will be tweeting to praise the supposed trading guru.

If you can detect this activity on any website that is associated with the Stock Twits website, you will immediately know that you are dealing with a snake oil sales person.

Let's review performance claims of the Elevate Trader website and see whether or not they are real.

Updates on his products/services

Elevate Trader offers two plans for its customers. These include Silver and Gold packages. The silver plan offers access to a trading room where you will catch Mr. Sultan as he trades the chat. He day trades, swing trades, and offers Cryptocurrency alerts in this plan.

On top of that, he sends overnight hold alerts directly to your phone's inbox.

On the other hand, Gold plan gives all the benefits of Silver package. But on top of this, it gives access to screen sharing of the so-called Elevated scanners showing how the trading mentor day trades the chart.

elevate trader plans

To add more value to this service, he has also included free lessons on how to trade in addition to technical analysis.

The silver plan costs $49 per month. But trial will cost you $1 for 2 days.

Gold plan costs $74.99 per month. Trial costs $1 for 2 days. If you later decide to proceed with this service, this amount will be automatically deducted from your account.

We really don't know how this trial works because 2 days is such a short period of time to tell whether or not a trading service is good. Maybe he should have charged $5 for a week to allow traders test the service and form an accurate judgement of the service. Therefore, this is a big setback which has since discouraged many people from using Elevate Trader services.

Performance claims

If the screenshots posted by ”Mr Sultan” are anything to go by, we can say that he is really talented. You can see that those averages show that he is truly good at what he does. But can these performance claims be verified? That's the question that most traders want to know before proceeding to buy any product from him.

The first step to verifying this information is to get actual brokerage statements from this guy., ”Mr. Sultan”.

While this guy has been good all along. The only thing he does not want to be asked is personal trading statement. If you take this path, then you are guaranteed not to find the answer you are looking for.

We were not surprised that this guy was not willing to disclose his personal trading record. It isn't unusual because we had suspected that he doesn't trade or rather make his money from trading activities. Instead, his income is generated from selling trading products or services.

Things to take note of

The truth of the matter is that Elevate Trader is like many other trading education websites where real trading performance cannot be shown on demand.

The site's owner relies on marketing his service rather than actually showing people proof of his trading performance.

The alleged 1k a day profit is not a realistic figure. But if by any chance he is making this much, that revenue has to come from selling of his trading products and services.

We are 100% sure that Mr. Sultan doesn't trade. He is a mentor and most mentors in this business don't trade for a living. They sell for a living because that's their job.

A salesman is not a trader. The vice versa is true. Even though $1 for two days isn't a great amount of money, there is generally no point of testing a trading service for 2 days only. That will not give you a clue as to whether or not the service is worth subscribing to.

In fact, most people will end up paying the $74 to test this service for 1 month. The question is: why would you pay $74 to test a service just because the 2 day trial offer was too short to enable you form a meaningful opinion about the trading service in question? It makes no sense. You'd be better off skipping this service entirely.

Our best advice for you

Although Elevate Trader website has a trial plan, the service looks shady. In addition to this, ‘Mr. Sultan' is an anonymous name whose reputation cannot be established. With no origin to trace, we can say that this is yet another day trading service run by a sales man.

Most people would question this service — we included. Therefore, as it currently stands, we are still recommending these services and not including Elevate Trader in our trusted list of trading products yet.

One Reply to “Elevate Trader Review: Scam or Worth The Price?”

  1. As an ex member of elevate trader, i can say 1k was bad day for Sultan. He often “made” 3k or above. None of these profits were in any way verified. Just a w**d type document with no buy price or sell price. His trades are ULTRA risky (buying halts,buying at the top of the market), he has NO strategy and you will lose a fortune trading with him. I and many others did.

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