
ETBOT Review: AI Crypto Trading Simplified

ETBOT Review: AI Crypto Trading Simplified

The digital Cryptocurrency market is officially back in the spotlight after some outrageous world events in recent times: US and China Trade War, European Political nightmares and immigration drama and now most recently the deadly Corona Virus hitting us all out of Wuhan…. Fear is back, FOMO is in full control.

Many of us are interested in the Crypto market, and for obvious reason; who doesn’t like the sound of hundreds or thousands of percentage in profit per year? Sadly, the truth is a rather darker reality.

Only a very rare few retail traders ever make it to the right company with the right proven services at the right time. We also at ValForex have wasted hundreds and thousands of Dollars in the last two years by trying and testing the available services and companies out there. That is after all why we created ValForex to begin with; we want to help guide you to the right services for your needs and profile.

We want to connect you with market proven systems which result in you generating positive returns. While we can never predict what is to come for market prices, we can however understand, profile, accredit and of course approve genuine companies and their services which you can then trust and rely on. Our aim is to connect you with systems that make you more money.

About ETBot

One such company that we feel has always been at the very top of the ladder in terms of pedigree, proven team and winning systems is EndoTech (click here to see our first review on the company).

When we first made our review, Endotech was just beginning to take first steps into the online retail market (previously they only serviced Major Banks and Hedge Funds). At that time they were offering some seriously expensive, but very high rewarding Multi-Coin Institutional strategies.

Clients could receive these trades using an API Key connection to their Crypto Exchange Trading Accounts, or via the licensed OTC desk delivery (private settlement to Client private wallet). The key point about this company is that they have never had outside investors; instead they trade their own strategies for massive results. This also means they can continue to reinvest into their systems and team, so that we continually see higher and higher performance and bottom line USD returns.

By investing repeatedly in their Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence teams EndoTech is consistently able to get in front of the market price movements and deliver to high value clients and corporations levels of return which you simply cannot find anywhere else.

Because EndoTech is inherently scalable, their teams have kept in close contact with us here at ValForex with the aim of improving their already unbeatable systems and product delivery. One key area of attention that we focused on during our discussions was the barrier to entry, in the form of high up-front costs or fees.

Clients with EndoTech

The average client of EndoTech would have more than $1M in a trade balance and would normally pay around $120,000 in yearly up-front fees! Definitely not going to be suitable for most of us! At least at this point, right? The thing is, we need to understand if we had $10M in a balance and we pay $120,000 in fees, the percentage is relative to just 1%.

More importantly EndoTech earns big business revenue through an active profit share of what an account generates for such clients. It is one of the rarest of occasions where the company and the client have the same in line incentive. Both aims to see that account grow rapidly!

Communication team

We kept in close communication with the team there, we continued discussing valid points of where we could perhaps make changes to bring the product more in line with what we need, and the levels of investment that we are dealing with (I’m guessing most of you reading this do not currently have $5M to trade with!).

At the start of 2020 we got a call from the senior team at EndoTech. We thought it was just going to be a normal call, with maybe some special price reductions for this year if anyone from ValForex wanted to join their classic Institutional Multi-Coin strategies – instead we got a very nice surprise which was not expected!

EndoTech decided that there simply wasn’t room to change an already winning system for Institutional clients – after all if you are good at something and it is going well you don’t rock the boat if you know what’s good for you. Instead what they decided to do is absolutely legendary – they created a BRAND NEW RETAIL SERVICE!! What is the best part?

We at ValForex got the exclusive scoop, and we alone will have first quarter early access to all available strategies and account subscriptions!

Welcome to the future of AI Crypto Bot trading everyone – ETBOT is here!

Full Unbiased review

When reviewing any service, the most important first step is to DYOR (do your own research!).

ETBot Dashboard

From our experienced perspective before you look at any service, it is the team BEHIND the company which holds the most weight and potential to either convince us or make us turn away from working with them.

The team behind EndoTech has been working together for almost twenty years (you can read more about them here (

This teams previous success stories along with a big Company exit led to the foundation of –“The first cohesive and actionable set AI/ML techniques to service the blockchain-based investment market”

More on AI Trading

Basically these guys took their privately built Artificial Intelligence software, took it on to the crypto market at the earliest time, and then proceeded to team up with massive wealthy clients to beat the crap out of the game! At the time of writing this, one of their private Institutional strategies just closed out January 2020 with over 35% pure profitable gains, while 2019 finished at an average of 120%.

With Institutional balances normally at an average level of $10M, you can imagine just how groundbreaking their systems are. Zero emotion, zero fear, fully automated and highly accurate. This is what paved the road for more development and product releases, along with our interest in the company on behalf of all ValForex readers!

Now we have met the team, understood some history and been brought up to speed on all latest events from EndoTech, join us as we take our first look under the hood of this brand new and exclusive Retail platform ETBOT.

What is ETBOT?

According to the written content on the website; “ETBOT is a systematic artificial intelligence and machine learning driven technical analysis algorithm, created to capture and exploit explosive market opportunities. We connect clients to our Alpha & Beta (high risk/low risk) Bot strategies.”

In simple English, this is a 100% automatic Crypto trading Bot software service. You buy a subscription and connect your exchange trading account to the Bots. You can now use exclusive AI trading strategies that have not been available to Retail customers, these same strategies have been applied to Institutional levels.

Their methodology uses AI and machine learning, and it applies technical analysis to trade long and short depending on the profile chosen. It is really important to understand to our readers that this is not a “DIY” Bot, it won’t require you to be online, or to set it up, chose indicators, fiddle with it or even understand it. ETBOT provides a 100% hands free connection to proven profitable Crypto trading strategies.

Control of Accounts

Only clients have control of their money and coins in their own bank, private wallet or exchange account. You either make an API KEY connection which gives ET BOT ability to deliver their strategy to your account, or you go through basic KYC procedures to join their Dolphin/Whale OTC desk.

This is not, Bot or Bot. This isn’t you on or chat trying to figure your battle plan out or why your own Bots are not performing – this is 100% Institutional grade automation with strategy you can set a watch to. ETBOT is a provider of genuine systems, running 24/7 auto trading and backed by decades of proven results with people who have multiple degrees in different science fields. Quant fund management for the retail person – something you should be paying attention to.

Who should use ETBOT?

ETBot Usability, who should use it?

Just like the mother company, was created with a particular target customer in mind. As we can see clearly via the website, this service profiles each individual client firstly into one of two sections; Retail, or Institutional.

Retail traders or retail investors make their own decisions while trading and investing. Many seek an automated way of trading while they attend their normal work or business responsibilities. For a Retail trader, connecting to a system that generates a reliable string of performance over time is critical to becoming profitable with your own investments.

Institutional accounts are for large scale High Net Worth entities, such as: banks, hedge funds, publicly listed companies and even crypto mining networks. These types of accounts are run with an average balance connection of $1M or more.

Designed for all types of traders

ETBOT was designed for Retail customers only; there is even a balance limit per connected account ($5000 USD/USDT). Anyone wanting to connect more than $5000 can take multiple subscriptions or if they have the right needs and abilities they can walk over to the Institutional side at and set up there.

ETBOT are seeking to connect with “opportunity seekers”, people who have some risk capital they can potentially afford to lose. Trading or investing in the market is not like going to a casino, it is not a product meant for gamblers or those looking for an adrenaline rush. People who instead want to multiply their investment capital by 10X, 50X, or potentially 500X over time are most suitable to connect with ET BOT systems. Both ETBOT and mother company are aiming to work for you and your funds along a time horizon of 1-5 years. Statistically they aim to deliver 100% returns or better for any account connected for a single annual term.

At time of writing this review, ETBOT average strategy return for 2020 is over 30%, with their leading strategies already delivering over 62% so far! Not bad in just over 4 weeks!!!

How can I connect to ETBOT?

Today it is extremely easy, safe and fast to connect third party trading software to privately owned broker and exchange trading accounts. At ET BOT the situation is no different; their systems are able to be connected to your trading funds using a secure API Key connection. An API Key connection to ETBOT provides the Company with the ability to order and execute trades inside your account in real time – the strategy initiates a signal and your account takes the exact same trade live (minus some standard exchange price slippage).

There are ample and easy API Key set up instructions no the ETBOT website and on the exchange trading platforms. The settings that ET BOT requires are trade execution ability only, ET BOT will never touch client trading funds or ask for access to such funds. The Client is the only one ever in control of his or her account balance. This also means that clients can compound the trading strategy results, or simply withdraw from their accounts at will as and when needed.

Here are the available brokers, exchanges and OTC providers which are available to use when connecting to ETBOT systems:

ETBot exchanges and OTC Providers

*OTC delivery is available for Institutional customers only. A full KYC process is completed before private trading and private direct settlement to a Client can be delivered.r


Just before we get into the trading strategies and decide what to pick when connecting our first live balance, the team at ETBOT wants us to decide if we are “Alpha traders” or “Beta traders”. Let’s have a look now together to understand what these two profiles really mean and how we can understand which type we are based on our own unique needs and accounts.

Account Types at ET bot

As we can see via the ETBOT site pages, there are some large and distinctive differences between what they believe constitutes a trader to be either “Alpha” or “Beta” orientated.

If we cut through and boil down the information into a simple understanding, we can see that Alpha traders have a larger appetite for Risk than Beta traders.

Alpha Traders

These Alpha traders are not satisfied with slow burn growth, or slow gain processes. They want more risk, more reward, more trading volume, not less. Users to use Margin and enter both Long and Short trading positions on changing market prices. These traders have a larger potential reward and of course larger potential risks per trade and per account.

Beta style traders are notoriously patient. They are happy to settle for a lower potential set of rewards and gain, therefore reducing and minimizing their potential risk per position traded or per investment account. Beta strategies do not use margin with ETBOT, they do not go short. Instead they avoid market losses by sitting flat in USD. This style of strategy can avoid for most a rough average of 30% annual losses by simply staying flat when needed. The extra added benefit of Beta is that you gain future accumulative buying power for later. So, if you have a low appetite and aim to build up buying power for later, Beta is the way to go.

HODL or Trade?


First of all, just what is a HODLER?

A HODLER is simply someone who closes their eyes and buys. Someone who throws daily opportunity and USD value out the window by burying their head in the sand and just holding whatever they are buying. They are at risk of negative market exposure at all times and worse miss the regular daily opportunities to profit that you would see by using the ETBOT auto software and Bots.

It’s understandable why so many investors are holding back because of risk and execution issues in the market.

ETBOT knows that such clients miss out consistently on opportunities; this cost cause many to FOMO in at the worst of times, or cap trades through FOL (fear of loss) and miss out on further profits. ETBOT and the AI driven systems have zero remorse, fear or guilt. They hunt in real time 24/7 so you don’t have to. Automatically ordering, executing and returning for your accounts and funds so you don’t have to. These returns you simply cannot find anywhere else.

Connecting a strategy with ETBOT

At this stage, we should already understand why this system at ETBOT will perform higher results than if we try to trade alone. We can also understand how Retail traders and Institutional traders alike can benefit long term using these systems. Our investor profile we can also know at this stage if we are truly Alpha or Beta minded. So without further ado, now let us look together at the four profitable and currently available strategies which we can connect to using the ETBOT service, all of which is available via their online Portfolio page on the website.

ETBot connecting with strategies

As you can see the graphs are pretty shocking, it’s easy to see that each one has been generating some high scale profits for some time. Just under each strategy name we can see two buttons. One marked “Performance”, the other marked “History”.


ETBot ETH Beta Strategy

On each performance page we get some amazing information and insight as to what is going on with the actual machine and results. As you can see on this image there is an easy to use calculator where you can check the results for any date range. After setting it to show me results for this year, I can see that as of writing this message this strategy is producing well over 60% returns so far this year!

What I can see however is a full set of strategy statistics, total months in operation (25) and of course I can see on the chart in the bottom right just how much it is beating the general market cap movements by – if you are a HODLER you get the blue line, if you use ETBOT you get the green line, it’s as simple as that. Which one do you want to be?

Performance Metrics

Now we have had a chance to look at all the various metrics on the performance page for ETH BETA, we can hop over into the HISTORY page for the strategy, and check out the individual position history for the strategy. That’s right, ETBOT publishes everything! We cannot see the last/current open trade as we are not yet subscribed, but it is amazing to see the live entry and exits of this Bot, the results are extremely aggressive and promising, even more so as it is after all a Beta strategy! They also post their results on their social media channels. All the performance is visible to public which provides users with complete transparency at all times.

Results Data page

For anyone not yet familiar with using API Keys or having trades mirrored/executed by bots on exchanges, but it is important to always remember that exchanges have price slippage and execution slippage, even for 100% automatic Bots. This is also why we trust in the systems at ET BOT, they choose to publish every single position detail, including the physical signal price.

Hopefully at this stage you will have understood that ETBOT has multiple options available for both Alpha and Beta investors. They have a well published and proven team, along with strategy performance that produces large scale gain, all while leaving the end Client in full control at all times over trading funds, trading accounts and of course API Key trade connections.

Still have questions?

Don’t worry; the ETBOT site and team have taken care to provide a thorough and comprehensive FAQ section on site, filled with many questions and answers to help you get up to speed faster with their services.

Just in case the specific help that you require is missing from the library of pages available, ETBOT encourages you to speak with their team direct and has a full complement of support staff, portfolio specialists and senior team available upon request to help guide and take care of you while using their services.

Should you not wish to talk on the phone, video call, via Whatsapp Chat, Telegram or live website chat, just click instead on the contact page to send the team a private message. Feel free to schedule a call with their professional team and gain a personal introduction to all before subscribing and connecting trading funds.

Activating a Subscription with ETBOT

OK, it’s now time to have a look under the hood officially here and understand the true cost and pricing for ETBOT subscriptions.

First of all it’s really great to have plenty of options to use this service. We can see they have three specific account types to choose from, along with three different time options per plan. This is really great because you can test for just three months, get something a bit longer at six months, or get yourself a really great price for a full year of delivery.

ETBot Pricing

The first level is BEGINNER, and on the site page ETBOT lists this account as perfect for “Apprentice” level clients. Those with the lowest balance size, and the lowest experience investing in the market with live funds. This account provides access to the BTC Alpha or Beta strategies. It allows you to bring one exchange account connection to the party. We are really pleased to see that ET BOT has provided a truly low price point to start. It brings you three complete months of service even on this most basic level.  For just $125 on three months setting this is a bargain.

More on Accounts

You can see the second account available is SIMPLE. Here ETBOT explains this account is most suitable for “Intermediate” traders. Simply put, this is the best level to start with. Suited for anyone with any live trade or investing experience. Here we can use both the powerful BTC and ETH strategies for either Alpha or Beta stance. Users can connect multiple exchange accounts.

Perfect if you have a few accounts out there and want to automate the lot. It is recommended as it generates more with less effort and cost. These really are returns you won’t find anywhere else. You get 100% amazing value there for this account.

Saving the best for last, let’s have a look at the ETBOT ADVANCED account level. An “Expert” level account, for any seasoned trader, or someone with a sizable portfolio balance. It offers top level set of services that you can take out of the ETBOT winning systems available.

This account brings you full ability to run all available strategies. It also brings an unlimited number of exchange accounts to the connection of the BOTS. Not everyone has a Binance, Bitfinex, Bitmex and CoinBase account all needing service and trades. This is for users with multiple accounts needing connection. It is also for those with larger trading balances and appetites. It is definitely the account for you. You must realize and see, this is Hedge Fund level service and trade delivery. So even for this top value account at ETBOT the price is just $375 for a full three month connection!!!

Account subscriptions

Are you still on the fence or undecided on which subscription level to now chose and set up? ETBOT even has a nice comparison table page built in with a link on the pricing section. Here you can compare plans and get deeper in to the technical benefits per level. You can make the choice before choosing and running trades.

Whenever ready, pick your plan and click subscribe. If you haven’t registered already the website will prompt you to do so now. Once registered you can pay for your subscription using an instant crypto transaction. You can also use standard Credit Card or PayPal to complete on the purchase. Once done, simply click “My Account” to see your personal information confirmed. You will also confirm your subscription activation details for your account.

I’m subscribed, now what?

First of all, congratulations! You just bought yourself access to the highest returning product in the Crypto markets. Now we have an account registered and subscription plan active. It’s time to save in your personal API Keys. Your connected trading account will start receiving the trades!

Here is what the “My Account” area looks like. You can get there by clicking your name at the top right of the page on the ETBOT website. You can do this after you log in.

 Sign up Process

As you can see, placing the needed information here is super easy and intuitive. The page provides space for you to choose the name of the exchange where you have your trading account. From there just copy and paste the needed API Key and Secret API Key as shown on the page. Alternatively you can email their team directly. Under this we pick the strategy type, either Alpha or Beta. We have selected the strategy, BTC or ETH for that specific connection.

The pricing page it outlines specifically which strategies and number of balances connected per account type. If you make a mistake don’t worry, the team at ETBOT will be in touch to help guide you.

ETBOT – Profitable trading or Scam?

In our experienced opinion there are no other such available services out there. Where can you gain connection and service from such proven and pedigree systems and team?

ETBOT is a genuine business, and its Mother Company EndoTech is known as the number one provider of Institutional software for Crypto. This is a complete no brainer. Stop HODLING, use ETBOT now.

These guys mean business. Their operation is transparent. Only the Clients control their investment. All information before you buy is available on site and online for the company, the team behind it.

There is proof and evidence of high profitable returns. Register your information, choose a plan, click and connect keys for trading. It is that simple. This is the future.

A sure way of profiting from crypto investment is having the right partner. With proven and transparent crypto investment platforms, you stand a chance. Successful investors have been using credible platforms. These platforms offer unique ways of investing with Crypto. Go for industry leading platforms that offer a sure way of profiting. It’s your time to profit from reliable crypto investment options.


Say goodbye to FINTECH scams and say hello to ETBOT!

What are you waiting for?


13 Replies to “ETBOT Review: AI Crypto Trading Simplified”

  1. I remember when you did the review for endotech the mother company, I tried to use them but the prices were too high but the performanc was really big. Just registerd for etbot now because prices are much smaller and good for me, hope profits are gonna come to me!

  2. they say they cannot connect to my broker and only to use binance or bitfinex but I never used those places can I trust them? Is this performance real? 60% is a lot for just one month.

  3. Top,estou querendo entrar,entre tantos enganos que existem por aí,essa plataforma parece se destacar como algo bastante promissor.

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