Falcor Forex Robot is an automated Forex trading robot created by the team at Forex Robot Trader. The creators are calling it a lean, mean, trading machine. Further, they claim the software will help you take back control of your charts. They say the robot allows you to trade in real-time with no lag indicators and price action.
The company is taking an aggressive marketing style for this robot. They want traders to believe this is the most powerful Forex robot in the market. This is a common approach with companies offering Forex trading solutions. They are aware that investors are looking for a way to improve their trading and make themselves rich.
However, not all companies can be trusted in the Forex space. Most of the companies promising high returns are big-time scams after investors’ money. Moreover, not all legitimate companies are producing the results they promised to their clients.
Therefore, thorough research is needed to ensure a company is legitimate. Additionally, investors need to assess a company to determine whether they can deliver what they promise. That is the only way you can make any real money in the Forex marketplace.
Unfortunately, the market is full of companies that cannot deliver on their promises. However, people are still making significant returns using the best Forex trading robots in the market. Invest in such companies only if you want to make real returns in Forex trading.
Falcor Forex Robot Review
The developers of this Forex robot are claiming it is revolutionizing trading for thousands of traders. They are saying the robot has taken the markets by storm. The company claims that the robot finds, manages, and closes trades all on itself.
The website further states that the Falcor Forex Robot can execute trades 24 hours so that traders do not miss out on a lucrative trade opportunity. Moreover, they claim that the system is easy to set up and use. Unfortunately, the company does not provide training materials or a user guide to orient novice traders to their Forex robot. Thankfully, the company has a customer support system. Clients can get with the company by creating a support ticket in Kayako.
On another note, we could not identify the people behind this Forex robot. The company was under the leadership of Don Steinitz. Sadly, he recently passed away. It is unknown who took over the operations of Forex Robot Trader. Consequently, we cannot confirm that they have experience in trading in the financial markets.
Only companies run by experienced individuals can trade profitably in the Forex markets. This is because the Forex market is brutal and requires technical analysis and perfect execution. That only comes with years of practice. Moreover, experienced individuals develop a sixth sense for market trends.
Pricing and Features
Forex robot Trader is selling the Falcor Forex Robot at $99. This is 50% off the regular price. The website features a countdown clock to when this promotion ends. However, this is just a tool for tricking investors into purchasing the robot in a hurry. As soon as the clock reaches zero, it resets, and the countdown starts again.
We do not appreciate such tactics in the market. Investors should have enough time to assess whether a trading tool suits their financial needs. Never make such purchases. Take your time and ensure the product is best for you.
In terms of features, we did not see anything unique with this Forex robot. The company says it uses a brand new trading logic that was initially deemed too complex for a Forex robot. Additionally, they say the robot is built to adapt safely to your account size.
This is not something new in the market. All Forex robots offer similar features. As far as we are concerned, these are just words to convince people to buy the robot.
Trading Strategy
Forex Robot Trader claims that the Falcor Forex Robot utilizes price action to find trades as they act. They believe this system has an edge because it does not look at the past to initiate trade positions. Instead, the robot lives in the present. Consequently, all of its trades are fresh, with no delays or lag.
Unfortunately, this description does not give us much insight into the decision-making process. Any professional running a Forex training company knows this is unacceptable. Investors always want to see how a system works before they put their money in it. The team at Forex Robot Trader is not doing itself any favor by not revealing the system’s trading strategy.
Moreover, the lack of transparency in the company is off-putting. No one wants to invest in a company that hides critical details from its clients.
Trading Results
At the top of the website, the company displays the profit numbers for the Falcor Forex Robot. Allegedly, the robot is reporting $105,304 in profit for the last 30 days. Further, the robot is reporting $823,051 in profits per year.
Sadly, the company does not provide verified trading results to demonstrate these numbers are real. They only provide several trading statements. We cannot rely on such modes of presentations. There is no way to verify these results are of the Falcor Forex Robot. Moreover, even if they were genuine, the company can cherry-pick results that promote the image of the robot.
The most reliable way for a company to provide trading results is by using platforms like Myfxbook or FX Blue. It takes only a few minutes to upload results on Myfxbook. We do not understand why they wouldn’t just do it.
Furthermore, Forex Robot Trader is notorious for not providing verifiable trading results for their system. We do not understand why they keep doing this.
Customer Feedback
Another way to determine whether a company can produce the results they promise is by listening to the people who have used it. The Falcor Forex Robot has received a low rating on Forex Peace Academy. The robot has a user rating of 2.4 out of 5 stars on the forum.
This is an indication that the robot is not performing as well as the company wants people to believe. There are many companies like this. They hype their system so much, but they cannot back the hype with impressive results.
We can tell that the company has no confidence in the performance of their robot. That is why they do not have a trial program or a money-back guarantee. They want you to invest without a safety net. This investment is too risky.
Final Verdict
While this company seems legit, we are unable to recommend it to you at this time. The company is promising very high returns. However, they fail to provide verifiable trading results. We cannot, in our right minds, recommend such a product to you. Moreover, customer reviews show us the robot doesn’t produce desirable results. As far as we are concerned, this system is just full of hype and no results.
There are better companies in the market that will give you better returns. We recommend you only use the best Forex trading robots in your operations. Such companies will provide you with significant returns and professional services.