We've discussed Forex trading schools many times before. And we've always said that if the moderator is not using a trading DOM or showing any activity of live trading apart from simulated trading, then chances are that you are dealing with a con artist.
The website Forex4noobs.com or simply Forex 4 Noobs is an entity of interest, and thus we had to review it here and see whether or not it's worth signing up for.
The first thing we realize is that Forex 4 Noobs is targeting those who are new to Forex trading and are looking to master the basics of price action trading before moving to a Forex mastery course that teaches advanced price action techniques.
There is nothing wrong with this. In fact, Forex 4 Noobs is doing the exact thing that many Price action Forex education legends have been doing on the internet. However, there are a few problems which we believe must be discussed here.
When it comes to discussing Forex trading schools, we try as much as possible to refrain from using the word ”scam” since that word literally means a thief or entity whose mission is to reap off individuals.
So to answer the question above, we will try and touch on a few points in this post. Ultimately, you have to make your decision. But if you don't have time, then you can just sign up here because we've vetted those trading programs and services. You can rest assured that we are recommending only the best in the Forex trading industry. Those products are ideal regardless of whether you are a newbie or an experienced trader who just wants to sharpen his skills or save time by trading with proven automated software.
That being said, it's only expedient that we shade light on this website and let you know whether it's one of those trading schools that add value to your life.
As mentioned earlier, Forex4Noobs is basically a trading school like any other on the internet. When you visit the site, you will see a tagline that says ”Master your Forex trading”.
This is followed by an invitation to join their weekly newsletter on trading tips and price action analysis. Of course joining such a newsletter is free of charge. Each week, you'll be looking forward to reading their emails concerning Forex trading using price action analysis.
Nevertheless, it's disturbing that despite Forex 4 Noobs putting up such a professional presentation, visitors of that website are not offered the chance to know the person they are about to interact with.
Basically, all other important pages exist on the site, except an about us page. After searching for a while, we gave up because it was clear that the owner of this site was not willing to disclose his name. Is this by coincidence? Absolutely not. It was designed from day one.
The supposed trading educator, who is also an anonymous person, claims that they've been in this industry for a decade now. They even have a blog that talks about price action trading. When we investigate the age of that blog, we find that the site was registered back in 2007.
So it's very true that this guy has been around for some time. We've recognized a very strange pattern among these trading educators. Most of them are very experienced in terms of setting up blogs that appeal to an audience. They often have years of experience writing about this stuff. We wonder if the same can be said about their trading track record.
Anyway, it's also quite disturbing that this trading educator is not willing to disclose the name of the domain registrant on who.is. That information is hidden. This could suggest that Forex 4 Noobs website is operated by someone who might be having some ill motive. Why would someone want to hide their details if they believe that they are a reputable Forex education expert? Think about it.
The site gives obscure information about the exact thing that they are selling. There is no indication of the price it will cost to access Forex education through Forex 4 Noobs. At least this is not mentioned upfront. It seems one has to sign up or contact them via email to get these details. We were not ready to go through this pain because it was not worth it in the first place.
Basic Forex education at Forex 4 Noobs is of course free. Course outline is also offered, but not in the traditional sense of arranging titles that shall be covered in a systematic way.
The anonymous guy who runs Forex 4 Noobs claims that he won't waste your time with Forex basics since he wants you to be successful as soon as possible. He will instead go into things that you really need to learn.
The second lesson involves how to come up with a solid trading plan. Forex 4 Noobs trading educator says that he will teach you (in a free video) how to identify a good Forex broker, how to create a good trading plan and money management techniques too.
In the third part of the training, this guy says that he will teach you ”advanced price action trading techniques” . And of course learners will also get free access to his blog which teaches trading psychology, and has trading tips, webinars and all that stuff.
Also, the owner of Forex 4 Noobs claims that he is a full time professional trader who will take trades with you. He will email you a video showing his price action analysis 3 times a week.
All this sounds great. But is there a track record to show that this man is proficient in what he does?
It only makes sense for newbies to ask themselves this question. Is this man really capable of producing verifiable performance records of how he has been trading since he entered this industry?
Or maybe we are asking too much. Let's put it this way. Is he able to show us even a month's record of performance? This has to be in a live, verified account.
But in as much as this question sounds so simple, most trading educators will get mad at you for asking such a simple question. They'll even ignore your emails when you insist on asking such questions.
Isn't it your right to verify the legitimacy of what you're getting into? Yes of course. But why is it that trading educators are never willing to comply to this humble request?
Believe you me, Forex 4 Noobs is not any different. The owner is too careful not to spoil his business. And that means he will not produce any records of his past performance since he does not have any.
What he will be sending you every week is nothing short of simulated trading. We dislike it.
You want to trade Forex and make money? Go to this list and pick a product ASAP. Of course we don't discredit price action trading. It's one of the best way for any manual trader to realize success. But Forex 4 Noobs is a No at least for the time being.
I have had experiences working with Forex and other “trading schools”. When it comes down to it, most are scams. By promising six-figure earnings to new investors, it only creates more uncertainty and poor growth in the market.