
FXTP Signals Review: Is FXTP Signals Scam or Profitable?

FXTP Signals Review: Is FXTP Signals Scam or Profitable?

FXTP Signals is a Forex trade signal provider based in Pakistan. They claim to take advantage of superior market timing, which they deem fit and one of the best allies in their Forex ventures so far. They only operate only a single currency pair. This single currency pair factor helps traders trade well without auto trade duplicators.

Momentarily, Forex trading is one of the renowned ways of generating passive income. Therefore, due to this property, prospective Forex traders should be on the lookout to not end up falling for traps laid by narcissistic personalities.

Pros of using automated trading robots

Have you heard of automated trading? For those that have, they know too well the benefits of trading with automated robots.

  • Ease of use

These are some of the best trading robots to use even for newbies. With an engaging interface, traders get the chance to indulge more with the platform.

You get guidelines and tutorials on how best to use the robots and take advantage of the market by simple click trading.

  • Customer support

The highlighted trading robots offer 24/7 support that offers much in terms of reliability and support.

Go for robots that will be there when you need help no matter the time zone. That’s why we highly recommend these robots.

  • Affordable to all

These robots are affordable to all parties which means even newbies can use these robots with ease and start making profit.

The subscriptions differ with usage as most offer monthly and yearly subscriptions which are quite affordable.

  • Allows for backtesting

These robots allow for backtesting which is one of the best ways of investing. You need to ensure you get ahead by testing the robots using a demo version.

It will give you insight on how best to take advantage of the markets. You need to infuse these robots when trading.

  • High performance

Another reason to go for these robots is the high performance they bring to the table. Tests indicate most of the listed robots hit over 88 percent in ROI.

And these are trades that offer investors the much needed help for trading.

  • Dependable

The robots are fully dependable and offer the best in terms of all round service delivery. These robots don’t crush during live trading sessions.

However, as a means of remedy, they ought to consult with legitimate and accredited Forex trade signal providers, the best immunity against scam.

These Forex trade signal provider seems to be operating on the short term scalping strategy. It displays robust performance via choppy and trending price actions: all in one.

One is required to carry out the following to begin benefiting from the services; The first requirement is for one to open a new live account via their site or partner brokers. The upper hand in opening an account is that the client gets unlimited access to automatic Forex trade signals.

FXTP Signals Review, Platform

The report gets registered in the trailers name, and this makes it ready by for the trader to be in total control of funds. The signal provider claims that there is a quick and easy installation with 100% human free intervention. Consequently, the trader has absolute power of the lot size. Moreover, a trader can request and add funds at any time of their will.

Trade charts

This Forex signal provider provides tabulated data as trade charts. It also seems that this data is not updated regularly. The provision of such information is untrustworthy since the data might be manipulated data cherry-picked from trades to create an impression which favors the vendor.

The leverage provided is 1:500. If one intends to take a look at the performance history, it is made available through downloading via a link uploaded to the website.

 It seems it was launched in 2017. However, there is no provision of data on the whereabouts; neither provision of any trade history apart from the four years that they claim to have been in the market.

The other fault is that they do not give a glimpse of the Forex analysts who breakdown and synthesize data for the vendors who provide signals. This lack of total discretion is a nasty element. They provide an email that reads [email protected]. They also operate on 24/5 bases, and this means that they only work five days a week.

Trade strategies

They only mentioned the trade strategies but did not elaborate on anything whatsoever. They prefer to keep the focus on the short term scalping instead of providing further elaborations. The signal frequency is over a hundred, and the charges being $197.00 per month.

This is the minimum deposit allowable in a month. However, if one does not wish to subscribe, they could as well pay $1000 with Hot Forex or XM. Interestingly, if one opts for the latter option, they should ensure an open account is available via their specific affiliated link. After this, an email is meant to be sent directly to the vendor to confirm the registration. What a peculiar way of a record of recruits!

Online reviews

Our team of experts carried out extensive research on different platforms to see what type of remarks they will come across regarding  Most customers complained of not being able to get in touch even after multiple requests for a live chat.

Most customers also seem to claim that the vendor only responds to messages that seemed to be in their favor. These snubbed messages were either inquiring or clarifying, some of the most advisable ways of conducting activities. However, the vendor did not seem to consider this, but instead just sat back and watched people get emotionally worked up after losing their money. Some claims go to the extent of threatening that they would charge back.

Fake testimonials and affiliation to elite personalities

It was noted that most of the advertisement videos provided by this company contained untrustworthy personalities. Most of the advertisements were from Pinterest or Shutter stock's actors and actresses who've just been paid to aid the advertisement Platform. Kindly remember that an actor is not held credible of what they say during a script; thus, do not fall for empty claims of how this company is going to provide quick fixes to Phantom wealth.

Dormancy in social media accounts

After extensive research on different social media platforms on this Forex trade signal provider, we came across unattended social media pages and handles.

We all agree that if indeed successes are at the same capacity and intensity as per their claims, there would be an agitating urge to show that off to the public.

However, this is not the case. It seems that this company does not have sufficient hard backup data to validate their claims, thus ending up to create pages with no photos or charts display to gain more affiliates and new enrollees.

Anonymous founders and no background company data

There is no provision of names of some of the management members included in this undertakings. Also, the vendor does not provide much company data to vouch for its credibility helpfully. Intentional deficiency, a technique used by scammers to deny prospective traders adequate information to make judgments when it comes to Forex trading.

Then it does not provide an IP address, and this does inhibit from actually finding out if the IP address given is of an original location of the company. The provision of IP addresses helps validation through the use of Google Maps. Consequently, a lack of an IP address inhibits us from determining the exact geographical location.

Alexa ranking has an Alexa rank of 1 613,840. This rank is provided based on a 90-day time frame limit. It lacks a description and also has no stable domain set aside for its undertakings. It is a very risky trait as it proves that it has not been undertaking its operation legally, or it has never achieved as much success as it claims. This paradoxical occurrence is a clear indicator that one should at least refrain till further measures to address the loopholes are taken.

We should always remember that only amateur companies and websites lack these crucial ranks. If a site has not lasted for more than three months, it's definitely going to suffer this scarcity.

Final verdict

Forex trading has encountered a tremendous increase in popularity due to the hefty profits reaped from trades. Thus is it indicated that if undertaken with the right partners and under the right conditions, traders are bound to experience an unforgettable experience.

To be among the lucky few who undergo this, kindly consult with legitimate and credible Forex trade signal providers. Authorized Forex trade signal providers have met all the requirements and are set to bring out the best in any Forex endeavor.

On the weather this Forex expert advise you is a total scam, we leave that for you to decide. However, we can unanimously conclude it does not meet all the required threshold standards to deem it secure and entirely credible as it claims to be.

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