
Imperial Finance Review: Scam Review

Imperial Finance Review: Scam Review

Imperial Finance ( is a blown out CFD, Crypto Currency, and Forex platform scam. ImperialFinance is claiming to offer more than 500 trading instruments. They claim to offer free analyst advice, trading signals and investment ideas. The internet is full of negative comments from members who were scammed by this platform. Dealing with this platform is a financial risk. Read this genuine and honest IMPERIAL FINANCE Review for more details.

Imperial Finance Review

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Imperial Finance Review

After receiving numerous email complaints from members of this platform, we knew something was amiss. Imperial Finance is offering investors a fake trading service and run away with their funds. Members are crying foul after having access to their funds blocked by this scam. Why do investors fall for shoddy platforms in the first place? Claims and promises plastered on websites play a big part in enticing investors to sign up. And Imperial Finance is no different as they have used over the moon claims and promises.

Scam artists are known to use empty claims and promises to lure investors. And this is what makes trading with ImperialFinance a financial risk. Falling for their empty claims and promises is what brings investors to their downfall. Most members have been blocked from accessing funds deposited. Imperial Finance does not intend to let investors enjoy trading with them. These are professional scam artists targeting your funds. Resist any calls from their marketing team to sign up.

About Imperial Finance

Waltika Partners Ltd is the company named as the sole owner of this platform. Claims of being registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines means they are offshore brokers. Offshore brokers are known to break rules and use their location to hide from prosecution. Any investor who is located in St Vincent and the Grenadines should not be trusted. Funds are at risk of being stolen once you deal with offshore brokers. Another shocking issue we found is with their ownership status.

Who are the founding members of this platform? Why have they failed to post details regarding the names of people running this platform? Anonymity gives these scam artists a chance to steal funds and not get caught. ImperialFinance is an anonymous website with no actual owners. It is a well-planned scam outfit.

Is Imperial Finance licensed or registered?

Imperial Finance is not licensed or registered by any known regulatory body. Claims of being registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are just a ploy to throw off investors. To confirm their license status, we reached out to various regulatory bodies. ASIC, COSNOB, CySEC, FSMA, and SEC. None of these regulatory bodies has ever heard of this platform. And this makes Imperial Finance an unlicensed and unregulated brokerage firm. Stay away from this platform.

Another issue we have with this broker is posting random numbers as their license number. 25348 is their fake registration number which cannot be validated by any document. Why have they not backed their claim by posting a document to prove their status? A real broker will post details regarding their license for all users to confirm. These scam artists have failed to post any registration details for one reason or the other. They know lack of a license deems then unworthy.

Features of Imperial Finance/ Advantages

Although this broker is registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, we don’t recommend it. There is no other possible advantage with dealing with an unlicensed broker. All facts point at security of funds not being guaranteed. Users should stay away from this broker to avoid any financial risk.

Disadvantages of Imperial Finance

Accounts offered

Imperial Finance Account Types

Imperial Finance is furnishing users with three account types to choose from. Accounts are Classic, Investor, and VIP. What we noticed with this platform is the high amount of depository requirement. Basic account starts at $1,000 which is way above the required standard. Industry dictates to start trading with a minimum of $250. Another fake claim we noticed is having insurance on these accounts. If this was true, why have they failed to compensate some of these members?

Web Based platform

ImperialFinance is claiming to have a mobile as well as web based platform. The problem with their mobile platform is compatibility with IOS devices. These scam artists have a platform which does not offer any safety features. Just like their website, these scam artists have not properly secures their trading platform. Hackers can easily take advantage of this loophole and steal personal data.

Unresponsive support team

Another huge problem we have with this platform is lack of proper communication channels. ImperialFinance is using a one way communication channel which is at a disadvantage. And this gives Imperial Finance a chance to decide which emails to respond to.

Are funds safe with Imperial Finance?

Another issue we found with this platform is in regards to safety of funds. Imperial Finance is not safeguarding funds which is a huge problem. Did you know it is possible users are depositing funds straight to owner’s personal bank account? It would seem this platform lacks DDoS Encryption which puts users at risk. Hackers can easily take over this platform and steal any funds available.

Another perturbing issue with this broker is segregation of accounts. Accounts are not segregated which is a huge problem. Members should not expect any compensation as this broker is not in any compensatory scheme. Another issue we must raise is in regards to lack of proper security features.

Is Imperial Finance a scam?

Imperial Finance Trading Platform

After further scrutiny, we are sure ImperialFinance is a scam. Members are crying foul after being shredded with fake trading services. Make sure to mark their emails as Spam and warn your family and friends from signing up.

Bottom line

Adding this broker to our scam blacklist will protect our readers. Stay away from this platform or else face huge financial risk.

Time to make money is now with effective Forex trading robots.

Wishing you a successful trading experience.

26 Replies to “Imperial Finance Review: Scam Review”

  1. Gibt es keine Möglichkeit der Imperial Finance Group , Einhalt zu Gebieten??
    Gibt es noch andere Betroffene mit denen man Kontakt aufnehmen kann? Ich bin ganz schön wütend, daß man solchen Menschen nicht das Handwerk legen kann. Bitte Info

      1. Hallo an alle .Auf keinen Fall mehr investieren. Herr Frei blockiert das Geld. Wie kann ich mit ihnen in Verbindung treten Frau Scholz.

  2. Ich bin ordentlich reingefallen.ein Herr Tomi Frei hat mich angerufen und suggeriert, dass ich mein Geld auch wieder ausbezahlt bekomme.
    Seit heut ist Herr Frei nicht mehr erreichbar.
    Das macht echt Laune.
    Mein Verlust beträgt 3400,–€
    Als Frührentner stehe ich nun im Regen
    WARRNUNG …vertrauen sie Imperial Finance nicht!

    1. Hat Herr Frei nicht gesagt
      zahlen Sie mir die gebüren vom Verdienst und dann Zahle Ichnen den gewinn aus?

    2. Hallo, geht mir genauso. Mein Verlust 3.250 €. Bin auch Rentnerin auch mir hat Tomi Frei gute Gewinne versprochen. Sie können gerne mit mir Kontakt aufnehmen.

  3. Das gleiche ist mir auch passiert, bin reingefallen, habe 3250 Euro investiert und Herr Frei will immer mehr Geld haben

  4. Dann gehöre ich auch dazu
    Habe investiert und wollte Gewinn auszahlen lassen wurde immer wieder vertröstet von dem Tommi Frei und um mehr Geld gefragt, irgendwann kamm es mir merkwürdig vor und habe nichts mehr investiert und ihn blockiert.
    Habe Strafanzeige gestellt. Gehe aber davon aus das das Geld weg ist.

  5. Ob Herr Frei oder Frau Stein, alles gefälschte Namen. Hierbei handelt es sich um reine Gauner und Betrüger. Ein Onlinehandel findet nicht statt, alles nur gefaked.
    Eingezahltes Geld verschwindet auf Nimmerwiedersehen. Nach kurzer Zeit stellen die sogenannten “Broker” jeden Kontakt ein. Ich selber habe zwar nur 400,- Euro verloren, ärgerlich ist es trotzdem.

    1. Richtig, es wird unter falschen Namen (Christina Stein, Mike Polinski, Maria Krauss – alle sprechen und schreiben ein unsägliches Deutsch ) Geschäfte vorgegaukelt, die es nicht gibt. Nachher soll man ein vielfaches des ursprünglichen Betrags zahlen um angebliche Brokergebühren abzudecken. Selbstverständlich ist das gesamte Geld weg! Strafanzeige stellen und auf keinen Fall auf schlecht übersetzte Sogenannte Verträge eingehen. Wenn Geld auf Auslandskonten geht, ist die Rückholung lt. Polizei in der Regel nicht möglich. Würde mich interessieren unter welchen Fake Namen diese Personen noch auftreten.

  6. Mit wurde aus 250€ ein Gewinn von 750€ vorgetäuscht. Um die Auszahlung vorzubereiten sollte ich 278€ Bearbeitungsgebühr für die Banken einzahlen und dann erhalte ich Unterlagen für die Auszahlung. Dies habe ich nach vielen erbosten Telefonaten verweigert und jetzt ist Funkstille. Betrug total.

  7. sono dei truffatori totali . Dopo aver dato 750 € mi hanno fatto vedere che guadagnavo molto bene ed ero contattato da un certo Sig. Robert Arcuri poi mi hanno chiesto altri 2000€ per un investimento flask non avendoglieli dati hanno bloccato tutto e ora non mi restituiscono più i miei soldi pur avendoli richiesti molte volte. Sono dei TRUFFATORI non affidategli nulla che saranno soldi persi.

  8. Leider bin ich auch auf diese Betrüger hereingefallen. Tomi Frei, Vera Mai und wie sie sich alle nennen. Bitte nichts bei Imperial Finance investieren. Man kann nur davor warnen.

  9. I also get scammed, when I notice last year and I couldn’t close account because they were asking for more money, I just left it. Now they sent me a tax bill to pay some tax, to get money back. Does anyone have same experience? What did you do with your account there? You just left it?


  10. When i decided to take my profit the manager said to i need to upgrade my account so that i can withdraw my profit

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