Last Updated: 5th June, 2017
Hi guys, today i want to let you know about the best traders or signal providers on zulutrade for the moment.
Sorry for the long period of inactivity on this blog. I've been away for something else and unable to update the site but I am fully back now.
There's no doubt that Zulutrade is the largest and yet the best social trading platform worldwide at least for the moment. In spite of the various techniques and trading strategies designed by Zulutrade to help both traders and followers, people still find it very difficult to make money with Zulutrade platform.
In fact, frustrated Zulutrade users have even gone to the extent of terming Zulutrade as “Scam” simply because they've either lost money on Zulutrade or do not know how it works.
If you a follower on Zulutrade, you're not supposed to lose any dime not to talk of having a Margin call because there are many professional traders or signal providers(SP) on zulutrade willing to help you achieve success.
Note: My recommendations are based on the signal providers I've actually tested and are using in my own Zulutrade follower account.
For this period of time, here is a list of the best zulutrade signal providers i can recommend:
This is also a good trader with a whooping 471% return on investment. You can follow his other currency pairs but do not subscribe to follow aud/usd.
I like the way this trader manages losing trades. This is one of the reasons he is presently rated #2 on Zulutrade. With this trader, you'll be able to gain more and lose less because he employs efficient risk management system that works.
His worst trade almost has the same value as his best trade which further strenthens the reliability of this signal provider.
Check the followers of this trader and see the profit they've been making since following this trader.
As at the time of writing, this trader has been on Zulutrade for 22 weeks and his results so far are quite impressive although he has only made 47 trades of which none is losing i.e 100% winning trades.
He doesn't open more than 4 trades at once at least for the moment but this is likely to change especially when he starts getting live followers.
What i like most about Wingsz is that he trades mostly eur/usd avoiding the volatility of pairs like usd/jpy, gbp/jpy e.t.c
Before you follow this trader, ensure you have equal or more than the necessary minimum equity or risk losing your funds.
This is another good signal provider except that he trades too many currency pairs. I would have preferred he concentrates on a few currency pairs like the two SPs above.
This trader has made an awesome 232 trades without losing any of them at the time of writing this article. This simply means he has 100% winning trades and significant amount of draw-down.
He has an average trading time of less than 24 hrs which may be suitable for most intraday traders.
If you choose to follow this trader, please be careful and do not stake too much on him because he's been on Zulutrade for only 7 weeks.
First Eagle
Other followers as well as Zulutrade has chosen First Eagle to be #1 but personally, i do not support this.
Since other followers are making it huge with this signal provider, you can as well join the train.
But bear in mind he has a few rules. You should open all 4 of his trades and do not set your own take profit and stop losses.
Thanks, that's all for now, if you don't have an account with Zulutrade yet, Click here to open a live account. Their service is free of charge!
Ensure you bookmark this page because i will be updating this list on a monthly basis.
i heard Ada Trading System from zulutrade is the best. how do you think?