Market Master ( is another idiotic trading app that claims to offer insane profit margins. MarketMaster is claiming to offer real-time trading to members who sign up with their ridiculous trading platform. And this is where we have a problem with the platform as their claims are unfounded. A few of the distraught investors reached out to our help desk team. An investigation was underway to confirm the rot within the platform. And this is what we found out.
Disclaimer at the footer of their homepage says it all. The disclaimer clearly shows the website is used as an aspiration of the earning potential. They openly reveal to members that the platform is not in any way able to make such huge profit margins. And this is one of the many claims we found to be wanting with the platform. Others include having a ridiculous trading platform with no heads or tails. Winning with Market Master is a daunting task as no winner has come forward with any proof.
The background and history of the trading platform still remains unknown. Market Master is an automated robot that ideally should help members get profit. Most of the complaints from victims claim the robot did everything but make a profit. And this is a problem we know all too well and is associated with false robots. Again, the review will help reveal all the damning facts surrounding this false robot. The robot is another stain in the ever lucrative trading world. Only authoritative and commendable robots have the pedigree to make realistic profit margins.
Market Master is boosting of having a stock market portfolio. They claim they have access to stocks of leading companies according to their FAQ page. And this could be true if only members could manage to make a profit out of it. A huge problem with the robot is failing to mention how they make a profit. They also fail to clearly reveal the trading conditions available on the robot. All they claim to do is offer a robot that helps generate profit to members. This is not the case and investors should be wary of the platform.
The website is a cloned copy of other scam websites which leads us to believe these are online scam brokers. After checking the website, we can notice a few irregularities with the site. Lack of proper security features on the website is proof of their unprofessional nature. The website is prone to attacks from third parties as they don’t offer adequate security software. Anonymity is a huge problem we no one knows the real owners of the platform. And this is why we need to be careful with such anonymous websites.
Records from the trusted domain tools suggest the platform is barely two years old. Thanks to domain checker tools we can confirm when the website was created. And this is proof of the platform’s inability to offer justifiable information to users. They claim to have over six years of online trading experience which is a lie. It is recorded that the domain was created on 31st January 2019. And this is concrete proof Market Master is lying about their online experience and presence.
The website shows they have shares from leading and reputable companies. These include Adidas, Apple, IBM, MacDonald’s, Nike, Walt Disney, among others. It is clear that the robot seems to be trading with stocks from US companies. The big problem with the robot is all talk with no action. Claims of victims still hinder any progress, if at all any, of the robot’s achievements. The claims of using US companies for stock trading have been on the increase from rogue robots.
Where the robot is located is not known which makes their license an issue. The jurisdiction of where a trading robot trades is of vital importance. They claim to have stocks of US companies and so, we checked with US regulators. The NFA and SCC do not have any robot licensed or registered under the name MarketMaster. To try and settle the matter, we reached out to leading regulators in Europe. None of the regulators have heard of a robot with such a name as above.
Market Master is an unlicensed and unregulated trading robot which is putting members at risk. The main problem with unlicensed entities is the safety of funds. Anyone who deposits funds with such a robot should know the deposits are not insured. The robot does not follow the strict guidelines set by the industry regarding deposits. And so, in case of bankruptcy and insolvency, members will lose their hard-earned money. Stay away from any unlicensed entity such as MarketMaster as they don’t comply with industry regulations.
Is there any account type on offer for different categories of investors? The question is important as they fail to show users the acceptable minimum deposit. On their FAQ page, they claim the platform does not cost anything. Upon signing up, investors get an email urging them to deposit as much as $5,000 to get high profit. And this is another proof we are dealing with a scam platform. They claim their robot is free and yet, demand a high deposit price in order to get a higher ROI.
What we found odd with the platform is the fact that there are no contact details on the website. The entire website does not give visitors any contact information. Lack of an email or phone address is suspicious, to say the least. It is prudent for any website to leave contact information for clarity and communication. After signing up and giving your contact details, this is where the platform starts sending emails. It is a classic act that is derived by scam brokers who don’t want their true identities to be known.
After reaching out to one of the victims, the platform sends an email with depository steps. Members are to deposit their funds to a bank account which is odd. The platform should inform the members of the depository channels available on the website. Do they accept debit or credit cards? These are some of the problems which lead to withdrawal issues. Another problem is none of the over twenty members we contacted have managed to withdraw funds. The broker is blocking any withdrawal attempts by closing these accounts.
These scam artists have used images of celebrated industry gurus to support their platform. They have used Warren Buffet and William O’Neil as brand ambassadors of  Market Master. These are false presentation which lures unsuspecting investors to sign up. If these individuals did indeed back the robot, we would all sign up. These scam artists have perfected the art of using celebrity names to endorse their products. And this is a problem which authorities must help address.
The security of funds is not guaranteed by a robot that is not registered. Complaints from members also back the fact that any deposits made are not secured. With the robot failing to offer credible security protocol, it leaves members vulnerable. There is no compensation plan on the table in the event of insolvency. And this is the main reason why no one should sign up with the robot. No recovery agent will be able to recover funds from a platform that is anonymous.
Robots such as MarketMaster are affecting the outcome of trading for unsuspecting investors. They end up signing up with unregulated online products with no positive element on them. Stay away from these robots as they are bound to lose any funds. Once a member deposits funds with them, the owners laugh all the way to the bank. Stay away from this robot and ensure you use industry-backed tools for trading.
Market Master is a scam, avoid it, and warn your loved ones. Use industry-leading experts when it comes to online trading for a favorable outcome.
We wish all traders the very best, stay safe, and invest wisely.