Mind Capital (Mind.capital) is another rude Cryptocurrency scam trading platform stealing from European investors. MindCapital is selling itself as a revolution when it comes to Crypto investment. The platform claims to be the first Crypto-FIAT platform in the world. With such claims, European investors have signed up without conducting a thorough research. And this is why complaints have started trickling in. Read this genuine MIND CAPITAL Review for more details.
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After landing on their homepage, it is clear to see why newbies would fall for this platform. The platform has a well-detailed marketing story which can move mountains. With the face of this scam being Gonzalo Garcia Pelayo, the scam artists get users hooked. Truth of the matter is that this celebrity does not know their face is being used to scam people. Scam artist will do or say anything to make sure their platforms appear legit and worthy. They will even use pictures of famous people.
Professional scam artists will create the illusion of being a top notch trading platform. What they do is use information from real platforms and pastes them on their own. Website cloning has been used by Mind Capital in their efforts to fool investors. Mind Capital is vivid in their details and they want users to believe the platform is revolutionary. Once you signup and deposit funds with them, that’s the last you will hear of it. And this is why we must expose these scam artists for the scam they are.
Mind Capital is claiming to be the brain child of Gonzalo Garcia which is far from the truth. These are scam artists who will do or say anything to try and make their platform get recognition. The main problem with this platform is how they fail to give us a background history. You would expect the platform to have a brief history in regards to how it came up. How long have they been in the industry and the people behind it. When it comes to using made-up credentials, MINDCAPITAL is ahead.
The platform is using pictures of famous people in reference to the people who are running the show. A huge problem starts appearing when you begin searching for these so-called members. People such as Alejandro Mejia are just made up characters used to try and sell this platform. Why can’t we get a hold of these people on any social media platform? The head of their social media platform, Christina Kelly Lopez is nowhere to be found. And this makes the platform totally anonymous.
In Spain, the Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores CNMV is the official regulatory body. A closer look using their search engine reveals no platform has been licensed under this name. And this is where we draw the line since Mind Capital is not posted as being licensed. Results reveal no platform is licensed under this name which proves we are dealing with a hoax. Stay away from this platform and never sign up with their products. Without a valid trading license, funds are not secure.
Why have they failed to show users their trading credentials? You would expect the platform to have valid license and registration details on them. Once you click on the Legal notice page, all you get is Spanish trading laws. None of these statements show any license from regulatory bodies. We also checked with various regulatory bodies in Europe to see whether it is licensed. No regulator in Europe has licensed this platform which makes us question the intent of the website.
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No advantage can be retrieved from a platform which is openly stealing from members. With complaints increasing by the day, these are mere scam artists who want to loot funds. Stay away and never associate with any of their affiliate programs. Stay away from this platform or else risk losing all your deposit. With funds security being on the line, no need to lose your money to an anonymous platform.
Mind Capital is not furnishing users with any account types which is mind boggling. Why would a trading platform fail to give users information regarding account types? Are they offering real trading services or just want users to sign up and deposit funds with them? Lack of account types is proof we are dealing with unprofessional brokers. Stay away from this platform as it will lead you to more misery. Mind Capital’s lack of account types is proof we are dealing with a hoax.
You would expect such a platform to have live chat support to cater for client’s needs. The problem with this platform is that they prefer the use of emails. Emails take time to get response and this creates a communication vacuum. A closer look at their contact page also reveals no phone number listed. Mind Capital is weary of not disclosing their contact details for a reason. Lack of proper communication channels is reason enough to stay away.
Another feature lacking with MindCapital is the demo account. Users should try out a platform before committing real funds. With a demo account, traders get to test how fast the platform executes trades. With this platform, users are signing up blindly not even knowing the spreads available. And this is a dangerous move as it allows the scam artists to steal and give false data. Stay away from platforms with no demo account. Insist on trying out a demo account before committing to a real account.
Mind Capital is using a custom-made platform which is unsafe. The platform lacks proper security features such as DDoS and SSL encryption. Make sure to stay away from this platform as hackers can easily gain access. Make sure to stay away from this platform and never click on any or their links. A platform with no proper security feature is unstable and not conducive for trading.
Another problem with this platform is in regards to safety of funds. Without accounts, it means MindCapital is not segregating accounts as dictated by law. These scam artists are not insuring deposits as dictated by law. The problem with this platform is security as well as stability. With hackers lurking, your bank account might be swept clean by third parties. And this is a reason enough to stay away from this platform. Never sign up with platforms which share similar characteristics.
Mind Capital is a scam without a doubt thanks to the high number of complaints. With no license credentials to back their status, we must expose these scam artists. Make sure not to enlist with them and warn your family and friends about it.
By adding this platform to our scam blacklist, we will be protecting our readers from this trap.
You can choose to have authentic and reliable brokers who have a solid trading experience. Sign up with brokers who are credible and dependable at all times. Make sure to sign up with dedicated brokers who are professionals in this field.
Wishing all investors a happy and prosperous trading experience
Na dann komisch dass die Livetrades die auf dem Backoffice zu finden ist, direkt 1:1bei Forex laufen. Wie könnt ihr sowas behaupten? Würde sich eine nahmhafte Person sich sowas geben? Da steht ein Ruf auf den Spiel. In der Vergangenheit gab es selbstverständlich viele Scammer. Und was die Lizenz betrifft habe ich ganz andere Informationen. Eine Firma die neu gestartet ist kann doch nicht am Anfang alles zu 100% recht machen. Die eingetragene Lizenz ist mittlerweile vorhanden.
Bonjours et merci pour se blog
J’apprécie la qualité de cet article, pour moi les meilleurs business en gains passif et MLM sont :
Bonne lecture et bon gains.
Gonzalo is presenting his face from mind capital.
bla bla bla
A mi me sirve Mindcapital y me gusta el sistema que tienen ya que gano un tanto por ciento tambien por la gente que invito con mi link. Si teneis alguna duda enviadme un mail. Gracias!
[email protected]
Yo ni defiendo, ni desmiento… solo puedo proporcionar mi experiencia con dicha plataforma. No escucheis a gente que realmente no aporta nada, investigar por vuestra cuenta. Yo lo hice, y confie en mind capital, 1000 euros no te cambian la vida, te jode que desaparezcan… pero si esos 1000 se convirtiesen en minmo en 8000 en un año…. y asi consecutivamente…. A mi me merece el riesgo, y a ti? [Link Removed]
Ik snap niet dat jij commentaar levert als jouw Daxbot de grootste oplichting is die er is en jij die nog steeds promoot op je website
I just registered here. I read your scam article.
6 Months from now I will read your article again and see if it is still there. I see Nothing wrong with Mind Capital.
5 months later how is it going for you? I have been presented to this so I think about joining in.
Como os decís que los Pelayo no dan la cara si aquí esta el mismísimo Gonzalo hablando busca entrevista a Gonzalo Pelayo y lo veras.
Veramente…ma perché dovete scrivere ste czzte, non è assolutamente veritiera, mind capital è reale non si tratta di truffa,se volete spiegazioni e documentazione vera contattatemi…sede legale indirizzi , ragione sociale azienda, e licenze.. Tutto consultabile…
hablas de la directora de comunicacion como no existe y tiene un insta desde el 2016 ,podrias investigar envez de decir tonterias y publicitar una estafa de verdad.Os dejo mi gmail por si quereis un enlace de referidos [email protected]
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