
MySafeMarket Review: Forex Scam

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  • - Can't withdraw your funds from this fraudulent company?
  • - Have they asked you to pay excessive withdrawal fees or to deposit more funds?
  • - Or is there an excessive delay in processing your withdrawal?
  • - Are they trying to push you into depositing more money with them even without withdrawing the one you've already put in?

It's a CONFIRMED scam company, recover your stolen funds by clicking the button below, then fill out the form and you will get a FREE Mychargeback consultation today:

Click the button below, fill out the form to recover your lost funds from this scam company

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MySafeMarket Review: Forex Scam

MySafeMarket ( is a blight Forex scam platform to hit the lucrative trading world. MySafe Market is claiming to offer favorite assets via a reliable platform. My Safe Market is yet another online trading scam targeting unsuspecting investors. Members who already signed up are crying foul after having their withdrawal requests cancelled. What could be the reason why deposits are frozen? Read this honest MYSAFEMARKET Review and get the truth.

MySafeMarket Review

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  • A high success rate

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And that means the robots will hit the set target with ease unlike humans who are prone to errors and performance issues.

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These recommended robots are best in class and offer investors the best way of investing in crypto and volatile markets.

The robots have been tested and proven to offer the best in terms of accuracy and overall efficiency in terms of crypto trading.

MySafeMarket Review

For some members, dealing with MySafeMarket is a ride straight from hell. After being lured to deposit by so-called account managers, they were sure this was legit. Deposits were made and they started to lose funds. Some of them decided to cut their losses and withdraw the remaining balance. After sending in a withdrawal request, My Safe Market revealed their true colors. None of the members has had the chance of withdrawing their funds. These accounts are blocked or closed.

Professional scam artists have a way of enticing unsuspecting investors to sign up. What they normally do is clone websites in an attempt to hide their real reasons. Scam artists will profess to be expert traders and create an illusion they can help you make money. In most cases, they claim to offer an easy and quick way to increase your profits. Thanks to our years of trading experience, we know how to spot a scam from a mile away. MySafeMarket is a scam worth exposing.

About MySafeMarket

Disclaimer at the footer of the homepage claims this site is owned by MySafe Place Ltd. By claiming 101992 to be their licensing number, they create an impression of legitimacy. What they also add is they are located in the Marshall Island. And this is proof we are dealing with an offshore broker. Offshore brokers are notorious for flaunting set industry regulations and rules. For a safe trading experience, stay away from any platform based offshore. Such platforms close down without giving a warning.

Another shocking detail we found with this broker is anonymity. With such levels of anonymity it is clear why MySafeMarket is a scam. To start us off, no one has been mentioned to be the founder of this brokerage site. Who are the people operating or running this website? Does this mean users are depositing funds to an unknown third party? Yes, investors are putting their funds in the hands of an unknown person. And this is why trying to reach anonymous people becomes a problem.

Is MySafeMarket licensed or registered?

Scam artists will do or say anything to try and make their platforms appear legit. And what these scam artists have done is post random numbers as their registration number. We contacted numerous regulatory bodies which are tasked in regulating brokerages. They include ASIC, COSNOB, CySEC, ESMA, FCA, NFA, and SEC. None of these regulatory bodies has ever heard of My Safe Market. And this is where we draw the line with unlicensed online entities.

Another perturbing issue with MySafe Market is having no posting of relevant documents. You would expect a broker to post copies of their license or registration details. By doing this, they help to show transparency and allows investors to confirm their status. Without these valid documents, it is safe to assume we are dealing with an unauthorized broker. Make sure to stay away from any online investment trading platform without a valid license. They end up being scam platforms.

Features of MySafeMarket/ Advantages

Being anonymous and based offshore, we hardly could find any advantage of signing up. With a broker who fails to give adequate information, we believe trouble is brewing. What makes MySafe Market a dangerous platform is how they manage to offer no valid credentials. By doing this, they throw any credibility out of the window. Having no license is also another let-off; your funds will never be safe with an unlicensed entity. They are just another online scam to avoid.

Disadvantages of MySafeMarket

Accounts offered

MySafeMarket Account Types

MySafeMarket is furnishing users with three different account types. Accounts are named Silver, Gold, and Platinum. What we noticed with these account types is having no information regarding minimum required deposit. And they offer no information for a reason; they want members to deposit different amounts. Investors should know set industry minimum deposit has always been $250.

Demo Account

A rigged demo account produces insane profit margins as we found out with their demo account. Scam artists are able to rig their demo accounts to produce over 98% successful trades. Once investors see they are making a killing with a demo account, they open a real account. A demo account uses virtual money and a real account demands real funds. Ensure you sign check the results of demo accounts before signing up.

Deposit and Withdrawal

Another huge problem with MySafeMarket is how withdrawals are never made. Depositing is easy and quick, depository channels include Credit card, Debit card, and Wire Transfer. Withdrawing funds with this broker is a tiresome process. None of them has been able to see their hard earned money so far.

Trading Platform

My Safe Market is using MT4 trading platform as their preferred method of trading. To test how well their platform worked, we decided to download it. Lack of proper security measures has led to having an unstable platform. And now you know.

Are funds safe with MySafeMarket?

How can funds be safe with an anonymous and offshore broker? Lack of DDoS encryption is another problem which makes us question the safety of funds. It is also possible users are depositing funds straight to owner’s personal bank account. No investor should expect any compensation as My Safe Market does not insure funds.

Is MySafeMarket a Scam?

MySafeMarket Trading Platform

After checking all the facts, we are convinced MySafeMarket is a scam. Lack of proper security features also makes us rate this broker as a scam. No sane broker can offer trading services without using the right security protocols.

Bottom line

Adding this broker to our scam blacklist will ensure our readers are kept aware. If you have been receiving their emails, mark them as Spam. Warn your family and friends from joining any of their affiliate programs.

Wishing all investors a prosperous trading period.

27 Replies to “MySafeMarket Review: Forex Scam”

  1. × Alert!
    • - Can't withdraw your funds from this fraudulent company?
    • - Have they asked you to pay excessive withdrawal fees or to deposit more funds?
    • - Or is there an excessive delay in processing your withdrawal?
    • - Are they trying to push you into depositing more money with them even without withdrawing the one you've already put in?

    It's a CONFIRMED scam company, recover your stolen funds by clicking the button below, then fill out the form and you will get a FREE Mychargeback consultation today:

    Click the button below, fill out the form to recover your lost funds from this scam company

    Click Here To Recover Your Stolen Funds
  2. some kind of lie here. All for me is Ok but gotta long waiting for withdrawal but anyway it comes after 5 days . So, idk hope for me will be same as previously

    1. Ja lično svoi dengi ne polucila,toļko nado vložit,odin raz 5000,esčo raz 5000,tolko potomu što mojei platforme free margin -5000.Takoi summi u menja net,tak što ja poterjala to sto vlozila i to sto po ih slovam zarabotala.

      1. Vai varat lūdzu pateikt, kā ir iespējams atbrīvoties no viņiem, visu laiku liek papildināt ,kontu, uzliek mistiskas soda sankcijas , kuras jaatmaksa un sāk jau draudet , ja nepardkaitis praditos lidzeklus

  3. Miałem na tym koncie zdeponowane środki i dostałem bonus jednak tranzakcje się zamknęły ze stratą i teraz chcą żebym im oddał pieniądze które straciła kompania dając mi bonus. Czy to jest zgodne z prawem i czy mogą się domagać zwrotu?

  4. I was checking reviews on them, and OMG so many bad things, but I gave it a try for the minimum amount, not to risk too much, and so far its going good, they actually do trade good. I do not say for you to risk it as well. This is just me, so far I am happy

  5. Is not lie, they just dupe my money today 2,040 euro. mysafeMarket market is a big scam, my God will not let them rest if they didn’t give me my money back.

  6. I can confirm that this company is definitely a scam. They have refused to transfer a small amount of my money back to my bank account – I tried this as a test. They failed it. they are definitely scammers – AVOID them!

  7. Mysafemarket to kolejny oszust kryptowalutowy, mianowicie: zarejestrowałem się na stronie a po chwili zadzwoniła do mnie “gadatliwa” sekretarka i zaproponowała mi że pomoże w procesie rejestracji. Żeby być użytkownikiem konta trzeba wpłacić 230$, nie miałem tyle na koncie to zaproponowała mi zeby wpłacić 150$ żeby swoje konto zarezerwować a po wpłacie bedę użytkownikiem. Jak mi “pomagała” zarejestrować konto to sama prowadziła proces rejestracji, ja miałem tylko zatwierdzać, przez co wyłudzono ode mnie zdjęcia dowodu os. z dwóch stron, dane osobowe, zamieszkania, nr karty bankowej, podczas rejestracji żebym podał 6 cyfr blik, chciała żebym podał identyfikator i hasło do banku, ale powiedziałem że nigdy w życiu nie podam id. i hasła do konta. Po rozmowie zadzwoniłem do banku, to przedstawicielka banku powiedziała że to oszustwo (kto pyta się o id. i hasło) kartę banku i dowod os. mam zablokowane. Dzisiaj kiedy zadzwoniła z mysafe dowiedzieć się czy zasiłek konto to powiedziałem że rezygnuję i chcę zwrotu pieniędzy bo podam na Policję, do prokuratury, do Sądu, to mi powiedziała że muszę wpłacić jeszcze 80$ żeby mieć pełne konto to będę zarejestrowanym użytkownikiem no nie dostanę zwrotu pieniędzy. Nie chcę więcej tracić pieniędzy dlatego sprawę skieruję do Sądu o wyłudzanie danych osobowych i pieniędzy. Widzę że jest więcej osób poszkodowanych to może by zebrać się razem i pozwać mysafe do Sądu o pozew zbiorowy. Osoby które zostały podobnie oszukane jak ja to proszę o odpowiedż w w/w sprawie na maila: [email protected]

  8. Mysafe oszusci. Po zarejstrowaniu nie chcą zwrócić częściowo wpłaconych pieniedzy. Wyłudzają dane osobowe i pieniądze. Jest dużo osób oszukanych to można by pozwać zbiorowo. Osoby które zostały oszukane proszę o odpowiedź na maila: [email protected]

  9. Mi zamknęli konto prze sumie 36 tyś dolarów, z czego jeszcze mialem około 9 tyś dolarów zabezpieczenia. To było 68% poziomu zabezpieczenia.
    Słynny broker Adrzej Nowak.!

  10. Zgadzam się że to oszuści też chcę odzyskać pieniądze powiedzieli że jak wpłacę prowizję to mi przeleją moje pieniądze

  11. Guys!! just read their terms and conditions and you will understand why you are having these problems, I had same problems, then gave up on them, went to another companies and faced same, now then realized its same literally everywhere. now i am back to them and all is good.

  12. This is an outrageous scam. I dealt with Anthony Williams and lex Holland. As a trial I deposited 250eurand they change to bitcoin (so you can’t perform a charge back) I profited 30 eur. Then lex advised 2 more trades which immediately started loosing money. I closed trade at 11pm that night. I had 120eur left in acc. Later after checking my 2 trades did not reflect what the market was actually doing. They originally said to change my eur to bitcoin as I would be trading crypto cuttency on an automated platform. All b.s. They don’t have automated platform. Lex just got me to download met4 platform from Google store. I’ve sent 10 emails requesting my 120 eur back, but got no reply. I’ve done this with 4 other questionable companies, but got my money back. This is a dangerous Co. DO NOT INVEST WITH THEM. I’M TAKING THIS FURTHER. BEWARE SCAM.

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