New Scope EA Pro is the brainchild of Fx Auto Mater, an established forex robot developer. Even though they have several forex robots under their wing, the developers are still unknown. And this poses a huge problem to anyone who signs up with the platform. These scam artists are nothing but a scary service provider. They have been in the industry for long and fail to get a valid license. None of their robots have a valid trading result.
Upon landing on their homepage, we could see that there is a limited offer. They claim that there are about 17 hours for the copies to diminish. The site has a countdown timer with an insane -20 percent offer. This is the first time we are seeing a vendor selling their product at a minus percent. It is why we have the strongest belief that this is another scam. If their robot were as good as they claim, they would have jacked the prices. New Scope EA Pro is another robot scam product from Fx Auto Mater.
There are real and reputable trading robots that generate a passive and steady income for users. These robots come highly recommended by trading experts and professionals. They protect investments and give traders relevant information to trading. Why not use one of these robots today?
One of the biggest misconceptions with most robots is that they earn huge profits in a short time. And this is the area where scam artists take advantage of naïve investors. They come up with robots that claim to offer fast profits. Once you sign up and purchase the robot, nothing happens, and you end up ruing making the purchase. This review is meant to expose the real scam artists behind this platform. It is nothing but a shoddy robot that aims at unsuspecting online investors.
There is an affiliate program available for the robot, which we insist is not worth your time. The affiliate programs from the FX Auto mater have proven to be a disaster. They don’t make any payments to affiliate members in the first place. Affiliate members get all the blame from victims who bought the products. No one remembers that the robot did not produce the desired results. Victims remember the person who directed them and convinced them to buy the worthless robot.
FX Automater is the company behind this robot, and its developers remain underground. For all the years they have been creating bots, they remain unknown. And this is one of the most prominent setback investors get from signing up with the robot. There is no one to take responsibility for the robot’s actions. Victims end up having no cause of action taken to the developers of the robot. It is why dealing with anonymous trading platforms is the last option for traders. The robot in question is the brainchild of suspected online con artists.
The few members who have voiced their opinion of the robot all seem to say the same thing. Most of these members signed up, hoping to profit from the big promises used by the developers. After a few trading sessions, the truth finally came out; the robot is unable to produce desired results. And this is why we must expose the robot and prevent other naïve investors from falling victim. These scam artists have been in the trading world for long, and their products must be presented.
One of the reasons why scam artists manage to stay undetected is changing their IP address. Domain details show that this site went live on 24th August 2008. They have over 12 years of experience, and still, no one knows them. When it comes to online trading, reputation and transparency is a must. They have managed to elude authorities by having over 7 IP changes in the past 12 years. What this means is that the owners will change product names and recycle them as new products.
This is a forex trading robot that uses the scalper strategy. The timeframe used by the robot is H1 and has a license priced at $117. This robot also deals with major currency pairs only. There are no exotic or minor currencies traded by this robot. Some of the available currency pairs include AUD/USD, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CAD, and USD/JPY. There are no exciting features as information is limited. And this is partial because this is probably a recycled robot.
New Scope EA Pro is NOT Licensed or registered to offer any trading activities to investors. Their trading services are null and void since they fail to comply with trading regulations. Most of the traders we have seen so far are unhappy with the money-back feature. They should be as the platform does not fulfill their promise. Traders who use this robot should know that their trading is limited. No investor will get their funds covered by insurance with a developer who is not fully compliant.
And this is why purchasing or signing up with such a robot is a waste of time. They won’t deliver on their promise of making a profit and don’t insure funds. It is one of the main reasons why we insist that such a platform is a hoax. Authorities in the United States don’t have a licensed robot operating under this name. The CFTC and the NFA have no trading license issued to this robot. It is best to stay away from such platforms as they do pose a substantial financial risk to investors.
New Scope EA Pro is not giving users any information regarding the available packages. It seems the robot comes with a single package that goes for $117. There is no information regarding the feature of this package. The developers have posted general features of what to expect with the package. These include three demo accounts and a 60-day money-back guarantee feature. None of these seems to work as the demo accounts do not work. The money-back-guarantee is simply a fairy tale.
Users can only contact support via the FX Automater contact page. What weird with this contact page is the lack of a clear email or phone address. They have simply offered users a message board where they can drop their requests. The problem with this method is that traders have to wait for weeks before getting a response. Some of them have not been able to contact the support team. It means the developers are using the message dashboard to control communication. They decide which messages to respond to.
What is even more surprising is that this vendor does not produce any valid results. They post backtests, which are not viable results. The least they would have done is post these results on trusted platforms such as FX Blue and myfxbook. Backtests results are merely projected income margins, which are not the same as trading results. A developer should put their bots into test by using live trading accounts. It means that the results are a fantasy from the robot since they all project a high-income margin.
The security of funds is not guaranteed by a platform that has no courage to produce valid results. Any trader who buys the robot expecting a money-ack guarantee is in for a rude surprise. The robot is not able to make users profit from trading with it. Another problem is the risk involved when purchasing the robot. Hackers will find it a tranquil spot to steal valuable data. During the purchase, they will hijack the process and steal credit card information.
New Scope EA Pro is swindling anyone who buys the robot. Stay away from it and avoid joining their affiliate programs. Warn your loved ones on the risks involved with this platform.
We have to protect our readers and add this robot to our blacklist.
Stay safe and use industry-backed robots for a chance to make passive income. Go for transparent forex trading robots with years of trading experience. It is what experts recommend for all classes of investors.