
RMT500 Review: Dubious Forex Scam

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  • - Can't withdraw your funds from this fraudulent company?
  • - Have they asked you to pay excessive withdrawal fees or to deposit more funds?
  • - Or is there an excessive delay in processing your withdrawal?
  • - Are they trying to push you into depositing more money with them even without withdrawing the one you've already put in?

It's a CONFIRMED scam company, recover your stolen funds by clicking the button below, then fill out the form and you will get a FREE Mychargeback consultation today:

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RMT500 Review: Dubious Forex Scam

RMT500 ( is another crude CFDs and Forex scam platform out to target unsuspecting online investors. RMT 500 is claiming to offer the most comfortable platform for trading in financial markets. With an enticing website, investors have signed up not knowing what to expect with this platform. Sadly, members have started coming out enraged by the outcome of associating with this platform. Read this genuine RMT500 Review for more details.

RMT500 Review

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RMT500 Review

Disgruntled by how funds are being kept from them, members want action taken. RMT500 is another online scam platform which has scammed investors by refusing to allow any withdrawals. Members who sent withdrawal requests are shocked to find their accounts blocked and closed. With such a platform tarnishing the good Forex trading name, we must expose it for all to see. Scam artists have decided to clone trading websites and fool investors into signing up.

A closer look at their website reveals all is not rosy as they claim. Thanks to our years of investing and trading, we know how to spot scam tactics. RMT 500 is another plot designed to fool investors into signing up. With a platform which is promising a personal bonus policy, investors believe it without a second thought. To protect our readers, we have listed some of the tricks used on the website. Make sure to read the entire review and find out the shocking details surrounding Rmt500.

About RMT500

Disclaimer at the bottom right hand side of their homepage lists RMT 500 Ltd as owners of this website. We conducted a thorough research using the company register and could not find a company with this name. Sadly, these scam artists are using a random Company to portray a professional image. What needs to be done with this platform is shut down and authorities start an official investigation. Anonymity is another red flag which we must raise with this illicit platform.

Who are the actual brokers who are behind this platform? Can we get the names of the founding members of this platform? A decent broker would have posted details of the founding members for all to see. With names, it would mean contacting the owners for more details. Without any single name mentioned, it is safe to conclude the platform is being operated by scam artists. Apart from anonymity, the platform is based in the Marshall Islands. Never trust an offshore based platform.

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Is RMT500 licensed or registered?

Details of their license and registration are posted at the bottom right hand side. However, it should be noted that the numbers used are occasionally associated with scams. The number MH 96960 is a random license and registration number used by most online scam platforms. To also confirm their license credentials, we decided to contact some of the leading regulatory bodies. Regulatory institutions include ASIC, CONSOB, CySEC, FCA, NFA, and SEC. None of them has ever licensed this platform.

To add salt to injury, these scam artists have failed to post copies of their license certificates. Without a valid copy of their license documents, we can conclude this is a scam. Smart investors should make sure the license number matches details on the regulatory website. Another smart feature to look out for is certificates must match the license number. Scam artists have been known to use documents of licensed brokers as their own. Stay away from any online investment platform without a valid trading license.

You can choose authentic and credible brokers to help you navigate the Forex trading world. With effective and efficient brokers, you stand a chance to make real and sustainable profit margins. Best decision involves having credible and dependable brokers by your side. Make sure to sign up with leading and trusted brokers at all times. A safe trading experience is guaranteed by expert backed Forex brokers. Go for brokers who are given the thumbs up by the trading community.

Advantages of RMT500

With a platform which lacks proper registration, safety of funds is never guaranteed. Make sure to stay away from platforms which are unlicensed. Comments from users are also a fact which makes trading with this platform a headache. RMT500 is a disaster waiting to happen and should not be condoned. We just hope authorities will shut down the website sooner rather than later. Enough investors have already been scammed, it is best to stay away from this illicit platform.

Disadvantages of RMT500

Account types

RMT500 Accounts Offered

RMT500 is furnishing users with three different account types to choose from. Accounts are listed as Bronze, Silver, and Gold. A closer look at their Account’s page reveals no minimum deposit required with these accounts. Why have they failed to post the minimum trading requirement? Another disturbing feature with these accounts is account managers who are never present. Account managers will only call when they are demanding you deposit more funds. Best stay away from such accounts.

Demo Account

Did you know these scam artists are rigging their demo account to produce fake results? A rigged demo account is used to entice unsuspecting investors to sign up. With a rigged demo account, results are over the moon and trades are near perfect. With such a high return, investors sign up with a real account not knowing the truth. Real accounts require real funds and this is when investors make the deposit.

Deposit and withdrawal

When it comes to funding accounts, RMT 500 has this are well covered. Depository channels include MasterCard, Visa, Neteller, Skrill, and WebMoney. What still remains to be a huge problem remains the fact no one has able to withdraw funds. Entire website also fails to have any information regarding the waiting period. A platform which blocks users from withdrawing funds is definitely a scam.

Fake testimonials

Another shocking lie with RMT500 is using fake testimonials to try and sell their platform. Why have the people giving testimonials not left any contact details. Have you noticed the names are just single names? Scam artists will do or say anything to try and sell their platform, this includes posting fake details. Whatever platform you choose, make sure the people giving testimonies are real.

Are funds safe with RMT500?

How can funds be safe with a platform which lacks basic security features? We noticed that the platform lacks DDoS Protection as well as SSL Encryption. Hackers can easily take advantage of this loophole and steal credit card information. Details of this platform are sketchy to say the least and we recommend you ignore associating with them.

Is RMT500 a scam?

RMT500 Trading Platform

What seems to be a legit platform is nothing but a well-planned website to fool investors. Stay away as RMT500 is a scam which is targeting online investors. Mark all their emails as spam and never click to any links sent by these scam artists. Once you sign up with them, you are a target of their scam.

Final thought

We will be adding this platform to our scam blacklist and protect our readers.

Why not choose another lucrative trading market as such Crypto Currency trading? Go for Crypto Currency trading robots with a proven track record.

Wishing all investors a prosperous trading period.

3 Replies to “RMT500 Review: Dubious Forex Scam”

  1. × Alert!
    • - Can't withdraw your funds from this fraudulent company?
    • - Have they asked you to pay excessive withdrawal fees or to deposit more funds?
    • - Or is there an excessive delay in processing your withdrawal?
    • - Are they trying to push you into depositing more money with them even without withdrawing the one you've already put in?

    It's a CONFIRMED scam company, recover your stolen funds by clicking the button below, then fill out the form and you will get a FREE Mychargeback consultation today:

    Click the button below, fill out the form to recover your lost funds from this scam company

    Click Here To Recover Your Stolen Funds
  2. Purtroppo sono uno degli sfortunati capitati sotto le loro grinfie, la mia inesperienza mi ha fatto cadere in una trappola ben progettata, ma gia dopo pochi giorni iniziano a spingere per investimenti superiori, fanno vedere un po di movimento e poi ti tartassano per incrementare gli investimenti, io gli ho risposto che prima di verificare la possibilità di prelevare dal mio conto non avrei incrementato il mio investimento anche xche in circa 40 giorni i miei 200 euro erano diventati 800. dopo qualche giorno hanno oscurato i siti, mi chiedo ora se possa essere possibile recuperare almeno i fondi iniziali versati su questo accaunt.

  3. Anche io sono stato contattato da loro,mi sono fatto inviare le prove della loro licenza , constatato che era falsa,dopo ho visto che sul sito della Consob è stato oscurato il loro sito internet. Non é facile recuperare i soldi senza l’aiuto di un istituzione controllore delle licenze (es.FCA Londra)

  4. rmt500 también es una estafa, «afortunadamente» voy a perder la inversión mínima (200 €), chicas con acento inglés llaman a diario acosando, hasta que viendo que tienen conocimientos sobre Forex se anima uno aprobar con su plataforma. Casi nunca pierdes con ellos porque manipulan los resultados y así parece que estas ganando mucho dinero, en un mes han duplicado mi cuenta y ahora me piden ingresos de 10.000 €, para supuestamente ingresar en unos meses 60.000, la ultima oferta ha sido que ingrese lo que pueda, 5000 o 7000 y ellos me financian a 0% intereses el restante para la operación de 10.000

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