
The best free forex signal provider you can trust with your money

The best free forex signal provider you can trust with your money

With more and more forex traders looking for where to get free forex signals, many false “free forex signal providers”  are being established and providing false signals that ultimately lead to the trader's doom.

free forex signals zulutrade



We all know that forex signals are not 100% accurate all the time but getting one that's almost 85% accurate especially when it's free is like telling you to trade with a professional's advice and keep 100% of the profits made.

As you may have already known, there are both manual and automated forex signal providers.   Manual signal providers display correct trade analysis on their websites while you copy those trades manually into your own forex broker account.   Automated Signal providers are different. They automatically copy their already analyzed trades into your own Meta4 platform either for free or with a charge.

If you run a search on google for the best free forex signal providers, it may be hard to find what you're looking for since google can't exactly determine which is really the best.

I use ZulutradeTM for my free signals and I've got almost 250% return in profit for the past 6 months and it's still rising.

Zulutrade is a social trading platform that connects professional traders with new or inexperienced traders. The professional traders send out the signals while the followers copy the trades automatically into their own meta 4 platform with any broker that accepts Zulutrade.

With Zulutrade platform, there's no need to keep awake all night staring at your computer screen to know if your open trades are losing or gaining. All you have to do is set it and forget it. Only come back when it's time to collect your profits or when your attention is needed.

Whether you're a beginner, intermediate or an advanced forex trader, Zulutrading is suitable for you and will help you forget the losses in your past forex trades.

Now, don't get it twisted. Zulutrade is not a broker on itself but a social trading platform where both advanced traders and forex trading beginners have decided to help each other for maximum gain of pips!

You can register both as a signal provider/trader or follower on Zulutrade.

Zulutrade helps you to maximize your potentials and help newbie forex traders achieve success.   As I am only writing on the “best free signal provider”, I can't really go into the details on the best way to make maximum profits as a Zulutrade signal provider. I will focus on getting signals from the Zulutrade professional traders.

It may not be your first time of hearing about Zulutrade. If you are using Zulutrade platform already, you can bookmark our site to get updates about Zulutrade because this article is meant only for beginners in Zulutrade.

When you start using Zulutrade automated service to get your free forex signals, you'll see that it outranks other free forex signal services you may already be using.

Your success with Zulutrade highly depends on the signal provider you've selected to trade for you. So, it's important you take this step seriously when you get there.

Below is a snapshot of one of my micro accounts showing some of the trades carried out in december, 2013.

best free forex signals provider zulutrade

How to get started with the Zulutrade Free Forex Signal Providing Service

Steps to get started with Zulutrade


  1. Open a live account with the best broker on Zulutrade, AAAFx here —> Register with Zulutrade
  2.   Choose any broker of your choice from the list provided but i recommend AAAfx ( Zulutrade's own broker) because they provided lowest slippage possible and the spreads on major pairs are low as well.
  3. Fill out the necessary forms and complete the rest of the registration process
  4. Fund your account with not less than $1000 if you're really serious in this business. Otherwise go for the minimum amount the broker accepts.  Your broker may require you to verify your account before funding.
  5. After you've completed steps 1-4, your funds should be ready in your Zulutrade account. You can then login to your account.
  6. We are set and ready to start trading.   At this point, you can setup and adjust your account if you're not new to forex trading but if you're a beginner in forex, please read ahead.

NB: You don't need to start trading from your broker's meta4 platform as all your activities on Zulutrade will be copied automatically to your broker account.

7. Setting your Zulutrade account to start receiving free forex signals

As i already mentioned above, this section is only for beginners in forex trading. If you are not new to forex trading, you can go ahead and setup your account the way you want it to be.

This is the last step and it will determine how you will profit with Zulutrade.

I don't want us to make any mistakes on this step.  Your settings highly depends on the amount of funds available in your forex broker account.
So, what i would like us to do is:  Reply below with the amount you deposited into your broker and i will reply back with the signal provider to use and the recommended settings you are to apply in your zulutrade settings page.

If you're not comfortable with making this information public, you can contact us stating the amount of funds available in your Zulutrade account and we'll reply you with the recommended settings for maximum profits.

This way, you won't have to learn all the brain-twisting forex languages such as lots, leverage, e.t.c.    However, you still need to know about them if you're still a beginner in forex.

Hoping to hear from you soon…


7 Replies to “The best free forex signal provider you can trust with your money”

  1. Hello

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    Best regards,

    Affiliate Manager
    Roman Blackwood

  2. There are a lot of forex signals services provider but you have to go for the trusted forex signal provider [Link removed]

  3. Signal Skyline delivers daily alerts to your phone, email or web account. Whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced trader, our signals take the pressure off by telling you where and when to invest safely.

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